Example sentences of "more [adj] [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But eventually the arguments all boil down to the fact that it is more economic to harvest the rainforest sustainably than clear-fell it in the idiotic way we have been doing until now , and that this is of immense benefit to us , the human species , because of the maintenance of that genetic diversity which will cure all sorts of dreadful diseases in the future .
2 I visualise a matrix even more subtle to taste the most intangible fruit of the soul ; and one day men will fall heir to a Golconda of the most beautiful emotions and joys , and from being mere trappers and hunters we shall become harvesters .
3 Marx was merciless in his indictment of the horrors inflicted upon subject peoples by British imperialism , but without repudiating the general right of the more advanced to develop the backward .
4 Today , it is more usual to replace the base with marine ply .
5 It has become more usual to use a speaking choir , either with all voices together , or in different parts , or with each voice speaking quite independently .
6 In English it is more usual to use a hyphen as in co-operate .
7 There are so many anglers fishing for carp today , not all of them recognising or caring that carp can be frightened very easily , it is now more usual to ignore the area immediately in front of you and cast , with specialised tackle , as far as possible .
8 Only in a few instances were brass or copper depositum plates provided , for it was more usual to outline the initials , date of death and age of the occupant on to the lid with black-headed upholstery nails with the possible addition of a skull and crossbones outlined at the head of the lid , whilst the sides were decorated with a single row of close-set nails all round .
9 Though separate volumes sometimes have their own index , it is more usual to have a complete index at the end of the final volume , and the presence of this can sometimes be a useful guide .
10 An interesting point is that the words " yielding and paying " actually imply a covenant to pay the rent , but it is more usual to have a specific tenant 's covenant in this regard .
11 I must give this to the Prime Minister , explain the strong feelings and see whether the guidelines can be altered so that it becomes more usual to impose a stiffer sentence .
12 It was all the wrong way round , I thought : it was more usual to know the crime and seek the criminal , than to know the criminal and seek his crime .
13 Nida similarly explains that ‘ in some Nilotic languages the passive forms of verbs are so preferred that instead of saying ‘ he went to town ’ , it is much more normal to employ an expression such as ‘ the town was gone to by him ’ .
14 Without exports to put an edge on the market breeders find it more profitable to put a Charolais on their Welsh Black cows . ’
15 He has grasped that it is more profitable to attack the Government for incompetence and negligence than to present it as a systematic and all-too-competent conspiracy against the people .
16 It would be more profitable to relate the temporary decline in the use of cavalry to other factors .
17 I saw this good-looking redhead with a bust to challenge Shakti 's — a sight which was getting rarer and rarer as women were made to get thinner and thinner for the convenience of the multi-billion dress designing industry , much easier and hence more economical and hence more profitable to clothe a bean pole than an hour glass — walking my way .
18 Thus the bound produced by Fudenberg and Levine is correct in the limit too , because in the limit the payoffs are equivalent , but for any positive discount rate it is more profitable to have a permanent reputation .
19 In studying the expansion of metals when they are heated , it is more profitable to limit the role of observers ' intuitions to , for instance , judgements of the position of the top of a column of mercury relative to a graduated scale .
20 There 's playing up the teacher but it 's more trying to get the better of him or her .
21 Second , the services that GPs must provide under the contract have been made more specific to reflect the government 's view of " good general practice " .
22 The reason for this might be that it feels more possible to grieve the death of someone or something that is perhaps significant , but not so important as the death of the spouse .
23 This has made it a little more possible to contemplate a Libertarian Ideal for television , but even more necessary to consider a Public Service Ideal for the press .
24 Never has the time been more opportune to revive the worship of the Great Earth Goddess and her consorts ( History of the World NI 196 ) .
25 Information technologists have no more right to dictate the course of language than any other group .
26 The answer is simple ; there need be no judge and no moral dilemma if parents and doctors accept that they have no more right to end the life of a handicapped child than they do for any child which enters this world .
27 There appears to be no method more reliable to check the degree of redness , pinkness or greyness that you desire then sticking in your knife into the thickest point of the meat .
28 They 're more prepared to do the dishes or change nappies .
29 The reason for this seems to have been that Victorian British industrialists looked for a quick return , while the Germans were more prepared to take a long view .
30 Relevant , too , are the views of individual judges about the role of the courts in interpreting and applying legislation : some judges may be more prepared to find an ambiguity in statutory language than others or even to interpret a statute ‘ purposively ’ in order to achieve a desired result .
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