Example sentences of "more [verb] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Molloy and Carroll 's ( 1992 ) more recent study while being more limited in scale does have some transbinary material , and confirms that a number of the NSE students perform better than A-level students when degree results are considered ( Table 4 ) .
2 The opportunities for bureaucrats in the UK to subvert or negate the wishes of elected officials are far fewer and more limited in scope than is the case in the diffused , more open and non-hierarchical structures of the federal administration in the United States .
3 Their priorities would have been quite different — more mundane , more limited in scope , more pragmatic .
4 Efficiency audits have no real private sector counterpart since monopoly references , though they also are carried out by the Monopolies and Mergers Commission , are more limited in scope .
5 Judicial review of Panel decisions is much more limited in scope than this .
6 Virility he wrote is : ‘ Much more developed in man than is that of maternity in women .
7 It comes as something of a shock , therefore , to realize that there were other areas , such as South Asia , more developed in technology and the articulation between production and trade , and highly dynamic in mercantile organization , which might have possessed equal potential to have become the centre for an industrial revolution , if these factors were indeed the primary causative variables ( Perlin 1983 ) .
8 It also helps to vary the shapes of the flowers as well as their colours : for example , hydrangeas are much more pointed in shape than roses , and the petals of potentillas are widely spaced and so give a more pronounced petal shape .
9 It provides subordinates with greater job satisfaction by giving them more say in decision-making which affects their work .
10 ‘ Well , give them more ownership and more say in management decisions ; give them stock options ; give the unions more clout — whatever it takes . ’
11 Since January 1990 all governing bodies of schools in Denmark have had complete control over school budgets , curricula , staff appointments and day-to-day management — the intention being to give teachers and parents more say in school management .
12 Through the 1930s such quirky turns were more and more discouraged in holiday venues .
13 Some post-colonial examples have already been given , and more appear in Chapter 7 .
14 If a walk is taken into the higher fastnesses of the glen , as may quite easily be done for several miles , more and more appear in succession ; indeed , there is a through route for walkers , not available to those who have to return to parked cars , all the way to Loch Treig and Corrour Station : a memorable expedition .
15 A ‘ very high proportion ’ even of the detailed wording of this 1937 text remains in the published version.i Much of The Silmarillion , then , could be seen as chronologically pre- Hobbit , while the Unfinished Tales ( though much more varied in date and nature ) at least contain a good deal of material whose composition preceded the appearance of The Lord of the Rings .
16 The districts are even more varied in size than the regions .
17 Although I now believe he over-estimated the importance of the part played by observation , his constant emphasis upon the personal , the sensuous and the experiential ( a world illuminated by the child 's sensitivity and never dictated by the teacher ) gave rise to work of much greater intensity , and much more varied in imagery , than the ultimately stereotyped products of Basic Design .
18 In 1834 it was notable for being more varied in coat colour than any other breed , but nearly always with the white finchback and white hough spots it still has today .
19 The guild halls are equally fine and probably more varied in design .
20 The classical spirit in which he was trained never lost its hold upon him ; the spirit of the pagan authors he revered in their original languages coexisted in his mind with an Anglicanism more committed in substance than fervent in style ; and as the new novel of the 1950s revived the techniques of eighteenth-century fiction , so did Lewis 's critical prose revive the world of hard-hitting supper-party debates that Boswell records .
21 He is seen here a year later with his Tomahawk fighter when once more serving in North Africa .
22 I deeply regret that I was unable to have a word with the housekeeper when she was more collected in mind .
23 Less flamboyant and more measured in person than in print , Budhoo speaks with disillusionment about the Fund : ‘ The IMF was never designed to help the Third World or end poverty .
24 More measured in speech and more personally impressive was her friend Margaret Jourdain , the great authority on English furniture , a younger sister of Eleanor Jourdain , sometime contentious Principal of St Hugh 's College in Oxford , and famous for her ‘ adventure ’ at Versailles .
25 Mr Crozier said that although the UK was more advanced in hygiene than most other member states , the document was still ‘ a step in the right direction for Europe ’ .
26 And still there is something more needed in order to train a bird .
27 As she was already walking , she did more work in standing than she otherwise would have , to promote the feeling of taking weight through her left leg while keeping her spasticity under control .
28 ‘ To grow older for a woman is to be more and more wrapped in fog . ’
29 Today 's Communist ruling circles may no more believe in Party infallibility than latter day absolute monarchs believed in the divine right of kings .
30 But uncomfortable signs are growing that the uneasy line between discipline and dissent — and often very justified and necessary dissent — is being more and more breached in favour of the former .
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