Example sentences of "more [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries this reforming enthusiasm was channelled into the foundation of Orders more oriented towards service of the whole community — the mendicant Dominicans and Franciscans were travelling preachers and the Augustinian Canons ( known as Austin Friars ) were committed to lives of pastoral service .
2 SOME families are more given to kissing than others ; one sees them at railway stations kissing a whole carriage-full of friends as they prepare to say goodbye .
3 The social historian can now fit this slump into the wider pattern of events that was to add up to the Great Depression but at the time motion-picture executives in production and distribution were more given to introspection than to socio-economic analysis .
4 Molloy and Carroll 's ( 1992 ) more recent study while being more limited in scale does have some transbinary material , and confirms that a number of the NSE students perform better than A-level students when degree results are considered ( Table 4 ) .
5 The opportunities for bureaucrats in the UK to subvert or negate the wishes of elected officials are far fewer and more limited in scope than is the case in the diffused , more open and non-hierarchical structures of the federal administration in the United States .
6 Their priorities would have been quite different — more mundane , more limited in scope , more pragmatic .
7 Efficiency audits have no real private sector counterpart since monopoly references , though they also are carried out by the Monopolies and Mergers Commission , are more limited in scope .
8 Judicial review of Panel decisions is much more limited in scope than this .
9 As a business becomes more sophisticated , as the founder is more pressed for time and is earning more money , the concept of outside help becomes more acceptable and , ultimately , desirable .
10 One would expect those whose dementia was more advanced or who had more problematic home circumstances to be heavier consumers of community care services , and thus to cost more to sustain at home .
11 Love children , he had read , were more beautiful , more charming and more favoured by destiny than those born in wedlock .
12 As middle age threatens , my adoration for the horse is once more tinged with apprehension .
13 As the heroine triumphs in one , something yet more filled with trouble should await her .
14 Virility he wrote is : ‘ Much more developed in man than is that of maternity in women .
15 It comes as something of a shock , therefore , to realize that there were other areas , such as South Asia , more developed in technology and the articulation between production and trade , and highly dynamic in mercantile organization , which might have possessed equal potential to have become the centre for an industrial revolution , if these factors were indeed the primary causative variables ( Perlin 1983 ) .
16 Doing anything more led to agony , sleepless nights , months of drinking and moping and boring her closest friends to death .
17 It also helps to vary the shapes of the flowers as well as their colours : for example , hydrangeas are much more pointed in shape than roses , and the petals of potentillas are widely spaced and so give a more pronounced petal shape .
18 But now that the road to peace in Cambodia once more looks at risk , the country needs the world 's attention again .
19 Firth and his colleagues argue that the main reason for this gender difference relationships through which they can gain support for their domestic and child care responsibilities , whereas men 's lives are more dominated by work and careers in which siblings usually can not help .
20 The 1.6 per cent increase in CO2 is set against an increase of only 1 per cent in gross domestic product over the year , indicating that the economy became more polluting per unit of wealth created .
21 It provides subordinates with greater job satisfaction by giving them more say in decision-making which affects their work .
22 ‘ Well , give them more ownership and more say in management decisions ; give them stock options ; give the unions more clout — whatever it takes . ’
23 Since January 1990 all governing bodies of schools in Denmark have had complete control over school budgets , curricula , staff appointments and day-to-day management — the intention being to give teachers and parents more say in school management .
24 Through the 1930s such quirky turns were more and more discouraged in holiday venues .
25 Suddenly we come along and say he 's got to do it all over again with several stone more perched on top .
26 Some post-colonial examples have already been given , and more appear in Chapter 7 .
27 If a walk is taken into the higher fastnesses of the glen , as may quite easily be done for several miles , more and more appear in succession ; indeed , there is a through route for walkers , not available to those who have to return to parked cars , all the way to Loch Treig and Corrour Station : a memorable expedition .
28 At court [ in the 17805 ] , where one is more constrained by etiquette , and old habits die hard , use of the baton has been kept up in grand ceremonial concerts .
29 For some time now I have gradually become more and more disillusioned with teaching .
30 More to come before half-time .
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