Example sentences of "than [be] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I would wear rags and live upon rye bread and water rather than be a harlot to the greatest man in the world .
2 ‘ I tell you what , ’ Pink said , ‘ I 'd prefer to be on a building site than be a government scientist in this day and age . ’
3 woman could do worse than be a nurse .
4 Tax and welfare policies are important , and proposals on these two fronts have already been outlined , but these should supplement an initiative on pay , rather than be a substitute for it .
5 This is worse than being a slave .
6 Being a nun seemed a far more satisfying life than being a wife and mother .
7 It seems that being married is less stressful and more exciting than being a bachelor but both think doing something tough and physical such as white water canoeing would ease stresses and strains .
8 But more than being a mainstay of fashion , the T-shirt is an enduring medium of advertising .
9 Meat packaging — far less glamorous than being a terrorist , I 'm afraid . ’
10 Rather than being a case of feudal vassaldom , this has more of the characteristics of a military alliance between two states , an unstable one , it is true , and between partners of very unequal power .
11 The Countryside Commission , the government 's advisory body , has similar feelings and in its report , Planning for a Greener Countryside , comments that ‘ problems often arise because the development is inappropriate for the proposed site … imposed on the countryside rather than being a part of it ’ .
12 A payment which has a dual purpose ( ie is part of the price arrangements between the vendor shareholders and Newco , rather than being a payment incurred wholly and exclusively by Target for the purposes of its trade ) may not be deductible ( see Watney Combe and Co v Pike [ 1982 ] STC 733 ) .
13 Rather than being a classification system in their own right , levels of attainment provide a resource for classification , and an invitation to classify .
14 I 'm grateful that I was born when I was , rather than being a youngster today .
15 His proud boast is that ‘ the same principles which at first lead to scepticism , pursued to a certain point , bring men back to common sense ’ , and that rather than being a purveyor of wild and new paradoxes , he has ‘ unite[d] and place[d] in a clearer light that truth , which was before shared between the vulgar and the philosophers ’ .
16 They also reckon that Monotype 's fonts never cause problems — probably because they were all numbered according to the NFNT system from day one rather than being a mix of the two methods .
17 That meant far more to me than being a bishop .
18 But I expect it 's no worse than being a punk .
19 There is little worse than being a captain of a Yorkshire side not doing well .
20 Rather than being a dichotomy between the two , there may be a continuum .
21 ‘ Then , rather than being a sect , they would be part of worldwide , mainstream Christianity . ’
22 Alternatively , in attempts to deprive antislavery of the dynamic of evangelism , it was sometimes argued that the task of evangelising and civilising Africans , whether in Africa or the Americas , necessitated the disciplines of slavery and the slave trade rather than being a reason for abolition or emancipation .
23 Being a corporate entrepreneur , what I call a ‘ change master , ’ is much more challenging and fun than being a nonentrepreneur .
24 And being a wife/partner is a much higher priority in most women 's lives ( 81% ) than being a mother ( 69% ) or a wage earner ( 47% ) .
25 Elements of these two types contract any of four " horizontal " relations , belonging to the same level , with other entities or properties or both , as will be described immediately below ( it is probable that exactly one of these relations is specifically linguistic rather than being a relation implied by human mental activities in general ) .
26 This is perhaps believed by practitioners rather than being a view that holds up to epistemological scrutiny .
27 Dreams happen to us , rather than being a product of conscious control , as fantasies are .
28 A university education is likely to result in a better-paying job than is a nonuniversity education .
29 The question to be asked then is , given that women are unlike Jesus of Nazareth in the form of their humanity , may it not be said that a woman baptized into Christ is not differently related than is a man to Jesus as the Christ ?
30 In an article written in support of the ordination of women to the priesthood in the Episcopal Church in the United States , Richard Norris , whose scholarship I have just mentioned , argues that the tenets of patristic Christology are such that it can not be said that a baptized woman is differently related than is a man to Jesus as the Christ .
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