Example sentences of "than [prep] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 A rather larger star — one of mass greater than about 1.2–1.4 times our Sun 's — can not contract in such a controlled way .
2 And with Venus in your own sign between February 2 and June 6 , there has to be more love and fulfilment around than for some time .
3 In fact he is probably feeling fresher and sharper now , hungrier to resume his England career than for some time .
4 ‘ The paperback market had now improved somewhat , and we believe that book production capacity and demand are more in balance than for some time ’ , he added .
5 Whether due to Anglo-American action or not , the Middle East became temporarily quieter than for some time .
6 Ian Rock , the chief executive , said yesterday : ‘ The group 's position is more stable than for some time , but it still requires a substantial improvement in the economy and a solution to the group 's gearing before it can achieve satisfactory returns on shareholders ’ funds . ’
7 The company is now looking at a future that is brighter than for any time in the past 20 years .
8 So perhaps the total inventory of species during warm times is , in practice , as high or even higher than in cooler times .
9 Conditions were perhaps better than in the new urban areas but a good deal worse than in earlier times .
10 Surviving remains date chiefly from the Hellenistic period ; in consequence , the columns are taller and slenderer than in earlier times and have a wider intercolumniation .
11 Under the Tudors the age-old practice of making a will spread down the social scale ; far more wills were made than in earlier times , even though the custom was still restricted to a minority of the population .
12 This has resulted in siblings being born much closer together than in earlier time periods .
13 Mycenaean Boiotia had indeed been open to the greater world , much more so than in classical times : in the Thebes Museum there are stirrup jars proving commerce with Minoan Krete , and there is even some lapis lazuli from Afghanistan , evidence of a Hittite connection .
14 Congenital and late syphilis , both neurological and cardiovascular , seem to be less common than in previous times .
15 ‘ To be honest , we have not been any busier this year but the accident toll has been higher than in previous times . ’
16 Mr Goodman adds that the company was fortunate to have started up in the recession , because services could be had more cheaply than in easier times .
17 Notice how some of the words when repeated are better spoken than at other times , according to the level of passion in the delivery .
18 The reason why the present government nevertheless eventually sanctioned this book is that it mainly covers the war years , when the secret services were inevitably more widely tolerated than at other times .
19 Pregnancy is a wonderful time to have constitutional homoeopathic treatment because changes can happen much more quickly and simply than at other times resulting in a healthier more energetic body that will perform its functions with greater ease ( see Chapter 1 ) .
20 They become so excited during this gang warfare that humans can approach them much more closely than at other times .
21 The resulting system has come to be referred to as ‘ neoclassicism ’ — a retention of the assumption of free will , but with an allowance that it is sometimes freer than at other times and that the proportionality of punishments should be adjusted to these varying degrees of freedom .
22 In brief , requisitioning was unpopular , not least since it was often carried out in the period between spring and autumn when trading and fishing conditions might normally be expected to be better than at other times of the year .
23 In analysing these figures , which are detailed in Tables 2 and 3 , below , it must not be forgotten that since the Survey was conducted in summer , the proportion of visitors from outside Edinburgh will be higher than at other times of the year .
24 The population of Great Britain is increasing although the rate of increase is lower than at earlier times in our history .
25 A survey by the drugs company Beecham shows the incidence of flu is between 25 and 71 per cent higher than at this time last year .
26 This is particularly true today : even in the recession-hit 1990s , brewers are spending increasing amounts on pub refurbishment — more on pubs , indeed , than at any time since the 1930s .
27 THREE-quarters of the track including half the through lines , the semaphore signals , the last vestiges of freight facilities and the last of the men who used proudly to work for the old railway company have gone , yet the long-distance service is faster , more frequent and above all better used than at any time in railway history , and the number of passengers passing through probably at an all time high .
28 When that day arrives , in the not-too-distant future , Beerling says listeners to the radio will find themselves ‘ better-served by their equipment than at any time since the wireless was first invented by Marconi in 1895 ’ .
29 But their patron , though ensconced in the Prime Minister 's palace , is clearly more estranged from the mainstream of Catholic politics than at any time in his 40-year career .
30 Opinion polls now show that employers are blamed for Britain 's economic problems and union are more popular than at any time in their history .
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