Example sentences of "come under [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Under the new hygiene regulations fryers are likely to come under close scrutiny because traditionally the job of cleaning them is one of the worst in the kitchen .
2 There is unlikely to be any advance in the accuracy of dating of early Anglo-Saxon archaeology in the near future whereas the assumptions upon which such dates are allowed are very likely to come under close scrutiny .
3 He concluded that Thorp was likely to be the first of British Nuclear Fuel 's ( BNFL ) projects to be closed if the company was to come under financial pressure .
4 Analysts expect the pound to come under renewed pressure in the run-up to Thursday 's Bundesbank meeting , which will decide whether and by how much to raise West Germany 's key Lombard interest rate .
5 After all , just about everything ICI makes might by held to come under this umbrella title .
6 While the Danzig Poles were not keen for the city to come under Polish rule , they were nevertheless determined that they should not be penalised for being Polish , and in their own way they were proud of their identity — even if it did not quite amount to ‘ nationality ’ in a conventional sense .
7 The Frenchmen were keen to join up , but the snag was persuading the French authorities in the Middle East to permit them to come under British command .
8 Research on methods for controlling pests without chemicals is going on all over the world and the latest greenfly predator to come under scientific scrutiny is the lacewing .
9 The Autonomous Region of South Ossetia continued to come under heavy attack from Georgian forces sited outside its capital , Tskhinvali , which was cut off from aid ; there were reports of hostage-taking .
10 For this reason , and at a time of less genial moods , the Report was to come under severe criticism .
11 Nuclear power will help to save oil — the most vital of the USSR 's energy resources , yet a great deal more will need to be done to change Soviet energy structures if domestic oil supplies and supplies to other Communist countries are not to come under extreme pressure in the late 1980s and 1990s. there will still have to be a reduction in supplies to the Communist bloc and a considerable reduction in the proportion of Soviet energy demand which is met by oil .
12 However , it was based upon the Rasch model , which , as we shall see later , has come under substantial criticism .
13 President Bush has come under congressional pressure to step up the sanctions .
14 By the mid-century Freemasonry was strong in Austria and Bohemia , but in the 1780s its activities had come under close scrutiny from the new emperor , Joseph 11 , and the Austrian secret police .
15 That the council had not come under factional control is suggested by its careful regard to the interests of William lord Hastings and the Woodvilles .
16 That the council had not come under factional control is suggested by its careful regard to the interests of William lord Hastings and the Woodvilles .
17 As Laqueur says ‘ By 1800 this view , like that linking female orgasm to conception , had come under devastating attack . ’
18 In Iran Rafsanjani had come under strong attack from Khomeini supporters who accused him of siding with America by accepting arms from the Great Satan and helping to get some of their hostages released .
19 Clauses seeking to exclude liability , especially in standard form contracts , have come under strong attack from the judges in recent years .
20 Of the major non-Slavic groups , the Baltic nations had a particularly distinctive inheritance , having come under strong German , Polish and Swedish influence from early medieval times .
21 CHINA 'S ousted Communist Party leader , Zhao Ziyang , has come under renewed attack in the official media , amid hints of a power struggle in the Chinese leadership .
22 While the appetite for knowledge of concrete scientific and technical advancement remains unabated , abstract values have come under closer scrutiny .
23 It would probably be fair to say that views of this kind have been dominant among British socialists from the Labour-left leftwards , but over recent years they have come under increasing criticism , on both theoretical and political grounds .
24 In recent years , the provisions of the Civil Evidence Act 1968 have come under increasing criticism for being unnecessary and out-moded for current technology .
25 The Department of the Environment had come under increasing criticism for the slow progress in setting up the trust .
26 The cost and efficiency of the health care system has come under increasing scrutiny and a variety of solutions have been proposed which have implications for inter-professional relations .
27 Explain why the Keynesian model has come under increasing attack in recent years .
28 Mr Hawke 's handling of the dispute has come under increasing fire from business , unions and the press .
29 At this price it has come under increasing pressure from the Commodore Amiga , which starts at the same price and attracts similar discounts .
30 Television and media have come under increasing pressure from the government not to publicise controversies about military and security matters .
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