Example sentences of "come from [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Thus the pressure to regulate consumer goods markets has chiefly come from industrial sources anxious to stabilize their market shares ( Prewitt and Stone , 1973 ) .
2 Secondees had usually come from supportive school staff groups .
3 Success has come from effective teamwork , a more focused strategy and stronger marketing .
4 New and more productive cereal cultivars have contributed their share to improved yields , but the biggest share in developed countries like the United States has come from increased use of fertilizers — 55 per cent between 1965 and 1976 , according to the New Delhi paper quoting an FAO estimate .
5 Much of the improvement has come from increased sales into furniture foams , explained , commercial manager .
6 Left to themselves , folk musicians did what they could without the guidance which might have come from experienced musicians .
7 ‘ For this book , an awful lot has come from live people , her family , her friends .
8 Inevitably , much of the stimulus for our changing views of the visual system has come from empirical studies but , over the past decade especially , attitudes have also been changed by the development of detailed theoretical models of how visual information processing might take place .
9 It has already been postulated that the intellectual origin of these criticisms lies in liberal political philosophy ; however , confirmation has come from empirical research .
10 You know that 's all right he may , might , alright there may of been a soldier there , but they 've just come from that direction
11 There 's a draught , it must of come from that window there I think .
12 The antiquities for sale have come from private collections in London and New York , from auction rooms and the trade .
13 Much of the information has come from surviving aces and their families , giving an immediacy to the stories not always found in other books .
14 Many have come from outlying towns and villages , in fact , from across the wide catchment area of the hospital .
15 Most of that carbon dioxide has come from burning fossil fuels ( coal , gas and oil ) .
16 Cos I 've come from higher class to the low lower class .
17 Three spurs have also come from late levels : they are uncommon finds on Romano-British sites and suggest the presence of a cavalry unit here in the late fourth century .
18 Professional services available to the carer come from various sources and vary a great deal from area to area .
19 His influence on Margaret Thatcher has been acknowledged — particularly his insistence that many problems associated with the quality of life come from low productivity and bad management .
20 Criticism of the team and its management has been stinging through the season and much of it has come from former players .
21 Some of these girls whose families have come from rural areas in Azad Kashmir or Mirpur feel that their parents allow them to go to school only because in Britain it would be illegal for them to remain at home .
22 However , because some of its Members of Parliament come from rural areas , they want those rural areas to be protected .
23 The UK division of FoE produces the Good Wood Guide , a simple run down of tropical hardwood products and their alternatives for consumers and manufacturers alike , so that all interested parties can be sure of buying hardwood that has come from sustainable sources .
24 The pupils in this school come from working class and multi-cultural backgrounds .
25 Most of the applications , then , have come from prospective landlords ; most but by no means all of them being housing associations .
26 The competition was to take place in August and , although she was for ever panicking about what they still could n't do , she tended to overlook how far they had come from first beginnings .
27 In a recent study of all Higher Education Institutions it has become quite clear that the main impetus towards Equal Opportunity Policies has come from female members of staff or particular unions representing female members ( CRE , unpublished ) .
28 Most of the early topics for review , such as debtor management , payment systems and self-billing , were selected by head office , but as confidence in the technique has grown , suggestions for further reviews have increasingly come from individual sites ; programme and project management and risk evaluation in project appraisals are examples .
29 In fact it has nothing to do with political affiliations at all , since admiration and support for Rigoberta Menchu has come from all sides .
30 When we got there the street was crowded with people who must have come from all parts of the City .
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