Example sentences of "come [adv prt] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Andrew Impey has really come on in leaps and bounds since he first broke into the first team and Ian Holloway does a great job for us . ’
2 Sue Leggate says : ‘ Consumer rights have come on in leaps and bounds since Which ? first appeared .
3 Son Pardo has come on in leaps and bounds since finishing fifth on his debut at Newmarket on 2,000 Guineas day .
4 With the introduction of carbon fibre , rod development has come on in leaps and bounds .
5 The young members section has come on in leaps and bounds in the last few years .
6 ‘ He 's technically a very good goalkeeper and he has come on in leaps and bounds in recent weeks , ’ he said .
7 He has come on in leaps and bounds this season .
8 I mean , you can do that in various ways , by inviting them all to come along , you know , have a Saturday down at , invite them to come along as representatives of the organizations and talk with the parish council
9 For our event at Crystal Palace this year we plan to change the format to try and encourage you all to come along in droves !
10 And as if on cue , reports have just come in of tracks and sightings of live rhinos in two Sumatran reserves — Way Kambas and Berbak Game Reserve in Jambi — where they were believed extinct .
11 Going down with my dad who had been president of the lifeboat here for about fifty years , to meet the lifeboat as come in with survivors , I was just a wee boy at the time but I remember the Icelandic trawler , the Geyser and one of the first to be put ashore off the lifeboat that night , was a wee lassie , and she came across the pier and she came to me , because I was the only kid down there that night .
12 Information has come in from readers , amused , serious and knowledgeable .
13 because people have to come in on meetings so these people h
14 Or or indeed does Mr want to come in on vacancies ?
15 She was employed by the parish for twelve hours a week and her nominal duties were to come in on Mondays , Wednesdays and Fridays , clean the flat , wash and spin dry any linen or articles in the soiled linen basket , and prepare and leave for him a simple lunch on a tray .
16 Because she said she do n't want to come in on nights .
17 Even though we spent that money we are projected to come in with balances of three million pounds in excess of the budget figure set by the Conservatives , and that is a six million pounds difference that 's come straight out of the twenty-four and I think it tells us two things .
18 She used to come in with friends , occasionally , to have a drink and that all together .
19 While I was having lunch soldiers from the local garrison used to come in for snacks .
20 ‘ But although he 's been a key force for them , we have to remember that they have a number of good jumpers ready to come in as replacements .
21 However , reports of severe damage and high casualty figures began to come in from communities situated closer to the ‘ quake 's epicentre , and they learned that the emergency services were bringing many of the most badly injured victims in to the capital .
22 Apple Computer Inc , as reported briefly and bittily , since news of these playing away launches tends to come in in dribs and drabs , used the Cebit computer fair in Hannover as the occasion to launch three new Apple Workgroup Servers , along with AppleSearch , its new information access and retrieval service for Mac workgroups .
23 Whiting 's or Whitting 's as it is sometimes spelt has a name that seems to have come down through generations , and one authority tempts to suggest that it may be of Saxon period .
24 It has come down to personalities and Julia is very disturbed by it all .
25 The poor duck must have crawled all that way , a hundred metres or more to that second patch of light ; our bright idea of putting the branches down after him to cover him up was pointless ; for all these years it would only have needed some more kids to have come along with torches or bits of burning paper to discover the body .
26 He still liked to come down for meals but often could n't last out and would leave his food and return .
27 No , not precisely I , I was a bit too young then , I , I remember all the songs about her Amy wonderful Amy and all those and oh and when she married Jim I was very much in but I could n't actually say I remembered her crashing at Walsall The erm you could , yeah , when I came home from work one Monday afternoon my nan said this eighty eight had gone over very low , and we , we heard that they 'd dropped this landmine this same aircraft had dropped this landmine that had gone under the gas holder at the gas works , in Road and the , they had some rescue workers from the A R P to get it out they never even bothered calling for the Royal Engineers , but the situation was that landmines used to come down on parachutes , and they used to slide into places which were inaccessible but anyway , they relied on the local Walsall A R P to get them out .
28 Then lie suggested that they might get Arthur Pugh , the moderate leader of the steelworkers who was that year 's chairman of the TUC , to come down to Chequers for tea and an exploratory talk .
29 Because these very moderate policies have allowed the peasants to come through with actions which in effect mean land reform and we need to get back in control of that .
30 Over a period of ten days I spent a lot of energy and seemed to come through with colours flying .
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