Example sentences of "come [adv] after [art] " in BNC.

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1 People are more likely to come home after a few drinks , light a cigarette and then fall asleep , often with tragic consequences .
2 Now , as she crossed into Farringdon Street and saw familiar landmarks , she stopped and put down her bag , gazing about her with the pleasure of someone who has come home after a long absence .
3 Erm sometimes if he 's been out very very late and I 'm still up and he 's come home after a heavy night drinking .
4 Flanked by his wife , Jeanne , and Mayor David Dinkins of New York , he said he had kept his illness secret since 1988 to protect his family 's privacy but had been forced to come forward after a press inquiry .
5 However , he would n't be surprised if it was announced at DECUS in Cannes in September and first shipments came right after the first of the year .
6 The election itself came only after a decade of political squabbling .
7 prisons , being regarded by most planners and politicians as ‘ non-productive ’ ( short-sighted a view as this may be ) , did not until very recently achieve even token inclusion in a Five Year Plan , and this came only after a lengthy battle by individuals within the Ministries of Home Affairs and Welfare to include a meaningful package for development in the correctional field .
8 More sophisticated weapons like throwing sticks and bows and arrows came only after a further long period of brain development .
9 The final allied victory against Japan came only after a long and costly struggle .
10 However , the worst outrage on Fox Hill came only after the Second World War , when horrid concrete housing was plonked on the top .
11 In those countries which have generally been regarded as well-established democracies , manhood suffrage was only achieved in most cases between the end of the nineteenth century and the First World War , while the attainment of universal and equal suffrage came still later ( in Germany in 1919 , Sweden in 1920 , France in 1945 , Britain in 1948 ) while in most of the rest of the world universal suffrage , where it was introduced at all , came only after the end of the Second World War .
12 The end came soon after the 62-year old patient 's kidneys began to shut down and the amount of blood pumped by his artificial heart dropped .
13 Schiller 's resignation came soon after the decisive Bundestag vote on the ‘ Eastern Treaties ’ and made mid-1972 a difficult time for Brandt .
14 Of all the Soviet nationalities , the Baltic nations looked the most likely to establish ( or as they saw it , resume ) their independent statehood in the 1990s ; their opportunity to do so came soon after the attempted coup when ( in September 1991 ) the USSR Council of State formally approved their independent status and they were admitted into the United Nations and other international organisations .
15 On the Friday evening , their last night , I came downstairs after a bath and was on my way to the kitchen to get supper when , in glancing out of the windows at the front , it seemed that a dense fog had developed .
16 The panel came away after a little while ; he put it on the floor in front of him , and wriggled through on his elbows and knees into the darkness beyond .
17 The attack came shortly after a " committee of public salvation " , led by hardline Latvian CP leader Alfred Rubiks , had proclaimed itself a rival government to that of President Anatolijs Gorbunovs .
18 Mr Nemadzivhanani 's funeral oration came shortly after the capture of eight alleged APLA men on suspicion of having murdered Sandra Swanepoel , a farmer 's wife , near the Transvaal town of Tzaneen .
19 During the visit , which came shortly after the 50th anniversary of the start of the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union ( " Operation Barbarossa " ) on June 22 , 1941 [ see pp. 4667-69 ] , both leaders confirmed their countries ' friendship .
20 They say the decision to step up overt pressure came quickly after the Vatican learned from Italian Foreign Ministry officials that Mr Gorbachev 's visit was being curtailed to less than three full days .
21 That 's something that did n't happen when I came home after a long day at work .
22 Then , last night , the master 's wife came home after a weekend away .
23 He taught her that the sacrament of the eucharist was so big that he did not feel that he had finished with it when he came home after the service at 8 a.m. on Sunday morning .
24 And then I came home after the sale .
25 This 21 year old came here after a string of car offences .
26 ‘ Monsieur le Cure , ’ Benjamin began , ‘ you came here after the Abbe Gerard died ? ’
27 Indeed , there are many people for whom the knowledge that the earliest Anglo-Saxons came immediately after the Romans and before the Vikings would be a revelation .
28 Some 580 claimants , many of whom came forward after the critical BBC Panorama television programme on triazolam in October , 1991 , can expect to receive limited legal aid to allow for investigation of their claims .
29 The succession to the Empire was soon re-established in the Habsburg line and the link with Hungary came again after the battle of Mohács in 1526 , when Ferdinand I of Austria succeeded the last Jagellonian King of Hungary and Bohemia , Ludovic , who was drowned while fleeing from the battlefield .
30 Coming shortly after a US physician declared in the New England Journal of Medicine ( vol 307 , p 1518 ) that confidentiality in medicine is — ‘ old , outgrown , useless and decrepit ’ , this was a welcome reassurance .
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