Example sentences of "come [prep] [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 Do n't let it come across like that , the temptation is to think that you 've got to have all this bit up here , now you do n't want this up here because it 's very difficult to cope with once you 've tied it round to get it round the elbow , you want the least amount that you can get , just cover the arm and then it makes it much easier to deal with at the end .
2 erm the buyer 's guide and the business card erm yes it is a legal requirement but I mean , you know , do n't hammer the fact , this is a legal , I 've got ta give it to you , okay so it came across in that particular vein .
3 And er a car came by at that moment .
4 When we used to go in the truck , Claypole Ridge was 15 miles , though it looks closer , and the smoke was coming from behind that .
5 Did n't come across like that , I think ,
6 Come to on that one .
7 Now we need to talk a little bit about what happens when the veins or the arteries or the capillaries for that matter , the veins , the arteries or the capillaries have a leak in them , they become broken , now you already know that the circulatory system is a closed system and that the blood can only do its job if it 's being transported within that system , once the blood comes outside of that system then it 's lost the circulation and it can not perform its proper function any more , in other words the body 's losing its blood , okay , what condition do we call it when the circulatory system stops working properly ?
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