Example sentences of "come [prep] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Erm but erm come the time had come for for the fair let's say the the the Spring fair .
2 Or they , what kind of problems do , problems tend to come with from the flats ?
3 They stayed mainly in the front room where there were rugs on a black-flagged floor that made it wonderfully cool to come into from the burning heat of the headland .
4 Once again , good evening ladies and gentlemen , and once again I 'd like to offer an especially warm welcome to this centenary lecture to those of you who 've come from outside the university .
5 Several seconds passed before Isabel realised her name had come from beyond the wall and not from the man whose fingers still gently caressed her cheek .
6 She had come from across the county in Southend .
7 At the time , the proposal was plausible although , of course , it still ducked the issue of where the spores had come from in the first place .
8 An explorer who does not compile maps as he or she proceeds is likely to end up going round in circles ; likewise , a society that does not know where it has come from in the past has no chance of knowing where it is going in the future .
9 We 've heard a lot this morning er about the merits of client server and where it 's come from in the last five years .
10 Finance has always been a headache for a group whose adherents have often come from amongst the poorest strata of society .
11 Dr Murdoch resigned from the British Medical Association over its attitude to the Arthur case , but criticism has also come from within the BMA .
12 Most of the resources for this work have come from within the Division 's normal programme of research .
13 All the time yes , apart from say about six weeks , used to come in in the winter to repair the do maintenance on the dredger and then the old harbourmaster would say right , we should have been here for six weeks , he come after a month , he 'd say , paint the cover the rust up he said and bugger off out again .
14 We ca n't really stay , you have to come in in the morning .
15 These have just come in in the last year .
16 These are believed to come from beyond the Solar system , i.e. from interstellar space , the space between the stars .
17 He criticised the committee for failing to say where the extra money needed to come from in the defence budget .
18 Piaget believed that educational development had to come from within the child , through a process of building and testing hypotheses within the microworld of a child 's perceptions .
19 In future , the danger of extreme-right policies is more likely to come from within the victorious mainstream conservative ranks than from outside .
20 Judge Wroath had applied the right test and come to a decision which he was entitled to come to on the evidence before him .
21 He 'll never forgive her for the life she has spent and she wo n't let him see what she 's come to at the end of it !
22 I thought that was a decision he and his father had come to over the weekend .
23 Erm coming in from er on the A six one two from , er we 've come to over the level crossing there .
24 Ordered , That , if the Welsh Development Agency Bill be committed to a Committee of the whole House , further proceedings on the Bill shall stand postponed and that as soon as the proceedings on any Resolution come to by the House on Welsh Development Agency Bill [ Money ] have been concluded , this House will immediately resolve itself into a Committee on the Bill .
25 Ordered , That , if the Social Security ( Mortgage Interest Payments ) Bill be committed to a Committee of the whole House , further proceedings on the Bill shall stand postponed and that as soon as any proceedings on any Resolution come to by the House on Social Security ( Mortgage Interest Payments ) Bill [ Money ] have been concluded , this House will immediately resolve itself into a Committee on the Bill .
26 Everything was hard to come by at the moment .
27 Goals via the through ball are always hard to come by at the highest level because of the quality of defenders and the sweeper system .
28 Been getting hold of a bit of meth , but it 's fairly hard to come by at the moment .
29 It was the first time Harry had ever seen him do such a thing for himself , but then he had heard that staff were far less easy to come by since the war .
30 Calm assessments were hard to come by in the shadow of a tragedy of such proportions .
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