Example sentences of "up a [noun] ' " in BNC.

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1 In southern India The Body Shop has provided the means to set up a boys ' town for destitute youngsters .
2 On receiving an assurance from the guardians that they would lose no time in putting up a nurses ' home , the Minister would be prepared to recommend the Nursing Council to give its approval .
3 Knowing that mere seconds might mean the difference between life and death for the hundreds of people trapped by the explosions , IMDEC responded immediately by setting up a citizens ' coordinating committee , drawing on the expertise and resources of 27 social and human rights organisations .
4 Now the editors have picked out some plums to make up a poets ' special - from Eliot and Auden , through Allen Ginsberg ( 'I think it was about the same time that I was having these Blake visions ' ) to John Ashbery and the delightful Elizabeth Bishop .
5 Dolly had stirred up a hornets ' nest when she pinched the wallet , and he had n't made it any better by steaming the letter open .
6 For the moment , he was canny enough to see the wisdom of keeping his stepson sweet , and that would not be achieved by stirring up a hornets ' nest .
7 but of course , it had kind of stirred up a hornets ' nest !
8 The referendum had been scheduled for November but had been postponed at the request of the political parties following the transitional government 's evident difficulties in drawing up a voters ' register .
9 G M B pensioners were represented on the first delegation to visit the E E C in Brussels , in an effort to secure parity with the pensions in other European countries , and we also took part in the pensioners parliament in Luxembourg last year , to help to draw up a Pensioners ' Charter for Europe .
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