Example sentences of "who did n't know " in BNC.

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1 Lucy who did n't know she was going to be pounced on .
2 Anyone who did n't know them might have taken them for a couple of businessmen out for a Sunday afternoon stroll .
3 At first I had visions of an OK Corral shoot-out at High Noon between dozens of different security forces who did n't know each other , but in fact we worked it out and there were no serious problems .
4 He was the first person I 'd met that day who did n't know what a dolmen was .
5 The servants at the house were mostly foreigners who did n't know their arse from their elbow , as Morgan put it to himself .
6 The driver must be someone who did n't know the district well , or he would n't have gone along the Applewick lane ; and that meant it was very likely he would n't realise that his van would hit the arch of the bridge instead of going under it , just as her daddy 's had done once .
7 When I began to be seen around camp with a new face , I was subjected to a lot of nudging and winking from those who did n't know the facts , and people came up to me with knowing smiles on their faces , saying , ‘ I see you 've got a new boyfriend !
8 The main selling point was a heavily-chlorinated pool in which we swam ( except for Dennis , who did n't know how ) and a variety of insects drowned .
9 It 's difficult to get across to those who did n't know him just how outlandish this idea seemed .
10 She used it with people who did n't know her very well .
11 He remembered taking her to school , it was after their mother died , Georgia would 've been seven , she did n't want to go , there were girls who tied her to trees , it was her accent or her looks , he could n't remember now , but he had to take her because he 'd promised Dad , Dad who did n't know anything , the scratches on her legs were brambles , the bruises on her wrists were something else , he could n't remember now , how could they tell him the truth , how could they tell him anything when all he did was sit in dark rooms with his head in his hands , his head haunted by her ghost , and each dawn broke like the slow blow of a hammer .
12 Have you ever had the experience of being met at an airport or a station by someone who did n't know you ?
13 The point is , to an outsider who did n't know better , your actions could appear vindictive . ’
14 The respect in which the Headmaster of our second school is held again contrasts with the contempt and even hatred felt for the man who headed our first — the man who did n't know their names .
15 She reported that her supper had been a few broad beans swimming in oil , that the bread was stale and that she had been put under a woman who did n't know starch from steam .
16 If all the people who did n't know Keller left his party the waiters would have to serve each other . ’
17 Was there nobody who did n't know ?
18 Well we , we had about sixty erm , people that trudged up to the top of the hill including erm , one who did n't know there was a wedding , he was a runner , and then he
19 I did n't know and I hid from them in the semantics lab when they came to shrink me , and I sold myself to someone who did n't know how to do it .
20 She wished that people would not interfere , would leave her alone , especially people who did n't know all the facts .
21 The other seats were for a couple who did n't know their way to this hall and decided to follow his car .
22 Whites who did n't know him , yet condemned him with borrowed certainty as someone who had little interest in cricket beyond its utility as a stick to beat the apartheid policy with , were typical of the society I came from .
23 We 'll keep an open mind about the caller 's sex until we get confirmation from Bidwell , but it was probably a woman , probably also someone who knew that old Mr. Lorrimer was expected to be in hospital yesterday , and who did n't know that the appointment had been cancelled .
24 Still , she wondered , had she seemed uncouth , a country girl who did n't know how to behave , by not returning his compliment ?
25 To anyone who did n't know that the place had been given up , soldiers would look as natural there as seagulls .
26 Slightly surprised at a mess sergeant who did n't know all about every officer , Maxim was about to deny it when he realised that , by chance , he had found a great cover story .
27 The evidence was too damning for anyone who did n't know of Dana 's existence , but she could n't help feeling briefly disappointed .
28 ‘ Then , supposing the sherry was poisoned , and supposing it was aimed at you , then it could only have been put there by someone who did n't know your habits ? ’
29 He was still there right up until the moment of the shooting , because Michael Banks , who did n't know his lines , was still delivering them correctly and therefore still having them fed to him .
30 ‘ It 'll be your turn soon , Philly , ’ one of them , who did n't know of her broken engagement , said .
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