Example sentences of "who were [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Mr Elton advised the NAPF members to circulate copies of the Fimbra guidance note to their scheme members who were considering a transfer out of the company scheme and added that Fimbra had requested them ‘ to refer any instances of misleading scare advertising , or any evidence of bad advice that results in loss to scheme members , to its Complaints Department ’ .
2 She beamed at two scruffy little girls who were pushing a doll 's pram , grotesquely shod in their mother 's high-heeled shoes .
3 The woman 's ordeal began shortly before 8pm on Tuesday when she slowed her Vauxhall Astra car for two youths who were pushing a dark blue or black Ford Escort across the road .
4 In 1987 he and his supporters finally decided to have a ‘ show-down ’ with other leading Serbian communists who were urging a more liberal policy .
5 The County Manager said that a conference of Health Board and Department of the Environment officials and County Council engineers , who were undertaking a special study of uranium mining , had agreed to investigate the situation .
6 The students were partly computer scientists and partly students with widely varying backgrounds who were taking a ‘ conversion course ’ to learn computing .
7 They would be outskirters who were getting a thin time and wondering what to do about it .
8 I had a phone call last er yeah Tu Monday night from Warwick University who were organizing a conference at the Youth Hostel Association in York .
9 They had also established contact with 40 men under Major Chisholm who were organising a base for patrols from Memo , but contact had not yet been made with Australia , the powerful radio stations on the mainland 's north coast drowning out signals from Timor .
10 Yesterday there were angry scenes when a tenants ' group held a meeting with representatives of Aberconwy Borough Council who were organising a clean-up of the badly flooded area .
11 After the race Mrs Fagan was presented with the trophy , a set of three cut glass decanters , by Mrs Alan Munns , whose husband is managing director of Munns who were sponsoring a race at Ascot for the first time .
12 At a concert at London 's Town and Country Club they were joined on stage by Metelic , a team of Ukrainian dancers from Reading who were given a rousing reception .
13 When interviewed , Clive Howard said he went every morning to feed the animals , particularly the cats , who were given a free run of the house .
14 If I remember correctly , ’ he says , ‘ for the trials they brought out some legal people , people who were given a military rank and sat as judges at the war crime tribunals .
15 Though small in numbers , the ILP had four vociferous Members of Parliament who were assured a hearing in the House and in the country .
16 In order to obtain ‘ baseline rates ’ for colonic mucosa , a group of patients who were undergoing a haemorrhoidectomy ( all without evidence of colorectal tumour on barium enema and sigmoidoscopic examinations ) consented to undergo measurement of protein synthesis .
17 ‘ The chances are a thousand to one that you might stay here for ten seasons and never see a boatman in a hurry , ’ quoted Sir Thomas loudly to his brood , waving a lordly hand towards William and Joe who were enjoying a quiet chew of tobacco at the end of the pier .
18 Interestingly , two of the carers in Glendinning 's study were single women who were sharing a household and some of the responsibilities of care-giving with an unmarried brother as well as their elderly parent .
19 Shortly before her death , Queen Elizabeth I was entertained , in October 1602 , by Sir William Russell , at Corney House , Chiswick , which area was still attracting residents of distinction who were seeking a healthier and cleaner environment , away from the dirt and the clamour of the Cities of London and Westminster .
20 It might be , therefore , that the 19th-century scholars who were seeking a large Ruckers harpsichord were rather too precipitate .
21 That was a story Hopper liked to tell , to demonstrate how they were all good friends who were creating a new style of acting ; later , when Nicholson arrived , they had long discussions about this era and the influences it had on all of them .
22 There had also been a ‘ drift ’ to the cities of unemployed rural labour who were creating a new social problem in communist China .
23 The significance of these beliefs in creating a commonsense culture of taken-for-granted racism in Britain is difficult to underestimate , although widespread illiteracy may well have protected the subordinate classes from the level of immersion in racism experienced by the upper classes who were fed a growing diet of racist mythology in fiction , newspapers and missionary tracts ( Lorimer , 1978 ; Miles , 1982 , pp. 118–19 ) .
24 It was impossible to get any sort of recent financial statement from the company , and it was equally impossible to track down the principal debtors , who were ducking a host of other creditors as well .
25 As a large black cloud covered the moon , a group of men jumped including two Red Cross orderlies who were carrying a stretcher over the top and ran towards them .
26 A story that is sometimes used to explain market opportunity concerns the managing director and marketing director of a shoe-making firm , who were visiting a less-developed country .
27 Andrew Ker landed two penalties for Watsonians , who were missing a few regulars .
28 It gushed plasma at a small knot of Marines who were storming a trench crowded with troopers .
29 These people came in yesterday , he told me , who were judging a competition for the best window displays in the Kings Road .
30 On Jan. 2 police prevented clashes with around 2,000 ethnic Turks and Pomaks who were staging a counter-demonstration in Kurdzhali .
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