Example sentences of "who see their [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The fact that Nonconformists were so prominent in the new financial institutions became a source of deep concern , both for the landed classes , who had by now largely severed any ties they had once had with Dissent , and also for the old Tory financial interests in the City , who saw their former economic ascendancy being eclipsed .
2 This was explicitly recognized by the early twentieth century physiologists who saw their fundamental task as that of discovering how the infinite variety of the perceived world could be reflected in , or reconstructed in , the rather monotonous nervous system .
3 the device remained popular for a century after its invention , finding particular favour in France , where , according to one account , it sold so quickly at a fair in Paris that the stallholder was hustled out of town by the young men of the city who saw their favourite quarry rapidly being locked away .
4 Counties such as Berkshire , Hampshire , Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire have been faced with increasing government demands to provide more new housing and this has produced vociferous opposition from local residents who see their traditional communities under threat .
5 Naturally this enforcement pattern could be justified by the inspectorate who see their primary function not as a kind of industrial police force , but more of a pastoral mission rounding up wayward factory owners and showing them the light and contentment to be gained from compliance with current standards of safety , health , and welfare required by law .
6 This class consists of those people who see their own interests and/or the interests of their nation , as best served by an identification with the interests of the capitalist global system , in particular the interests of the countries of the capitalist core and the transnational corporations domiciled in them .
7 Figure 8.7 looks at the way in which all religions have available within them certain fault-resistant features which is why their demise , so confidently predicted by many who see their grave faults and failures , rarely seems to happen !
8 What is to be avoided is the point-scoring conflict that develops between groups who see their relative success and status vis-a-vis their neighbours as being more important than the pursuit of the common good .
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