Example sentences of "who know [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ People who know everything about some little subject , do n't you , Ivy ? ’ 'No , I do n't .
2 On average , the people who are most likely to opt for health insurance are those who know themselves to be relatively unhealthy .
3 MES : ‘ I think it 's quite sympathetic , compared to the glorification by people who know nowt about soccer .
4 Shy Emma has won the hearts of all who know her in County Hall through her brave fight against the disease .
5 And finally thank you to anybody else who know me for whatever they 've done during the year thank you .
6 Those of you who know me from my earlier scribblings in PFK will be well aware of my feelings in relation to our responsibilities to do our best to maintain and care for the delicate marine creatures we take from the wild .
7 It means God 's saving grace working through individuals and communities of people who know him as Saviour and Lord to influence a wider society .
8 I am grateful for the hon. Gentleman 's support for Mr. Norman Warner , whose appointment will be widely welcomed by those who know him as an independent-minded and good man .
9 We are represented by men hungry for high political office who will therefore not rock the party boat ; men whose loyalty is to their political careers , not necessarily their constituents ; men who know nothing of rural life , for why should they , nurtured as they were in towns or suburbs ?
10 For those who know nothing of the quick-step , the shake or the twist , there is a late night disco .
11 ‘ People hear of it who know nothing of its origins .
12 Norway 's north is even farther from Oslo than Oslo is from Brussels ; Norwegians fear that the EC would mean rule by distant bureaucrats who know nothing of their country .
13 The most telling personal images are captured by simple cameras in the hands of people who know nothing about photography .
14 PEOPLE use patents either as a valid legal weapon to block rival manufacture or as a bluff to put off rival manufacturers who know nothing about patent law and do not take legal advice from a patent agent .
15 ‘ New technology and computers — but at basic level for top management who know nothing about it but have to see an authority through a changeover ’ .
16 Just like certain tournaments today are put on by public relations types who know nothing about golf .
17 And a lot of people out there who work for these record companies are idiots who know nothing about music .
18 ‘ Have you , ’ he enquired , ‘ thought how many women there must be in this country who are giving birth this very minute who know nothing about babies , but will have to cope without any help whatsoever ? ’
19 In this instance , John and his buddies will be happy that their ‘ expert knowledge ’ and status has been publicly recognised , and the bulk of the audience who know nothing about the marketing concept are flattered that someone thinks they know something about it .
20 It 's no good having people who know nothing about qualitative research applying their yardsticks of experimental science to all types of research .
21 It is only the inexperienced dealers , who know nothing about the stock market and who are desperate for money that can be manipulated this way .
22 But I do n't like being called a funking animal by a load of nonces who know nothing about me . ’
23 Also , both she and Clare Dodgson , chief executive of the family health services authority , worry that , despite the well attended meetings , there are still some general practitioners who know nothing about community care .
24 Because , what you 're going back to , just reemphasizing the point earlier , you 're speaking one-to-one , you 're not trying to convince a , a group of , of , of councillors , you 're trying to actually convey a message and , yes , you 're trying to convince , but you 're actually trying to convey a message doing one-to-one interview , across to people who know nothing about it , whereas councillors purport to know something about it .
25 Nowadays they may be esteemed by their peers who know something of their work , but this esteem has little currency value in the committee-rooms where performance is appraised .
26 Mr Sheppard believes the task calls for accomplished generalists who know something of law , accounting , commercial practice , people management and administrative systems , without being confined to a narrow , specialist niche .
27 Those who know something of the Edinburgh area will find the account fascinating .
28 Microsoft 's simple arithmetic adds up to 25,000 people who know something about NT .
29 Now this is a good idea , and in fact there 's a fair amount of circumstantial evidence that geologists and astronomers who know something about the earth 's atmosphere have looked into to suggest that this is quite a feasible mechanism for the formation of prebiotic molecules .
30 Those who know anything about art are in a small minority ; those who represent the most local of local interests , the majority .
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