Example sentences of "who look after [art] " in BNC.

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1 Such a gritty attitude is typical of the veteran Redruth prop , who looks after a flock of 530 sheep and a small herd of beef cattle on his holding close to Padstow on Cornwall 's windswept Atlantic coast .
2 The film also impressed James Lewis , 23 , from Leatherhead , Surrey , who looks after the disabled .
3 Someone who looks after the youngsters and is co-operative .
4 He also has a full-time administrator and researcher who looks after the books , and a part-time secretary .
5 ‘ I told that miserable bloke who looks after the lorries the same fing meself , ’ she told her friends .
6 Pauline Brydon who looks after the Bank 's Community Fund told Newsline : ‘ Of course like all voluntary organisations , Groundwork came initially in search of financial support — and at over £30,000 this is a significant Community Fund investment .
7 Who looks after the horses at weekends now
8 Er it 's a lovely garden , who looks after the garden ?
9 So if you can imagine the food being cooked in there and if you like , plated up in here and while the butler , the man who works in the butlery or the buttery does the drink , the pantler , the man who looks after the bread is plating the food out there .
10 Ken Lee who looks after the Business Link service at DBV said : ‘ We are very encouraged by the development of the Business Link so far .
11 I told you , I was it was only the man who looks after the buildings .
12 Actually , he , he knows that Paul the bloke who looks after the place he goes to St. Andrews .
13 and who looks after the children ?
14 As sector specialists , they complement Training and Enterprise Councils , who look after the local training needs .
15 The Sisters of Marie Répatrice who look after the Shrine , were helped as usual in the organisation of the celebration , and in serving refreshments afterwards , by the ‘ Friends of the Shrine ’ who do so much , in so many ways , to support it .
16 There remain the specialists who look after the flight recorder side of aircraft accident investigation .
17 But the sexual division of labour — whether it is the male , the female , or both parents who look after the young — is controlled by much the same forces as control other sexual differences and is therefore appropriately treated in this chapter .
18 Their task included providing corporate hospitality , special receptions , barbecues and a seafood bar , as well as feeding all the grooms who look after the horses .
19 Welcome back:The people who look after the Malvern Hills have been accused of being secretive and undemocratic .
20 This is a scheme which matches families with ‘ care parents ’ who look after the children on a regular basis while the carers take a break .
21 The same problem could not arise in Germany , according to Vogts , because of the ‘ wonderful relationship ’ which exists between the Football Federation and those who look after the national team .
22 It was all over a Brazilian boy who looked after the props .
23 And the men , from Corporal John Carrow who looked after the cars in the depot to which Liza was attached , upwards to the brigadiers and generals whom she drove , were all , little or much , aware of this striking-looking girl in the perfectly fitting uniform , whose expression seemed to alternate so swiftly and appealingly between gaiety and despair .
24 One Christmas when Macmillan was in his eighties his grand-son Alexander ( Maurice 's son and the present Lord Stockton ) , who looked after the old boy in many ways , asked me if I would read the eighth of nine lessons at a carol service in a London church in aid of dependants of the Publishers Association .
25 The outcome was positive in so far as nursing staff who looked after the children were happier about the admissions themselves , and were clearer about the purpose of the admission .
26 A third man , Romany , the mechanic who looked after the engine , squatted in the bow , sleepily making tea .
27 Now , I must confess I had n't seen much of Mr Wogan before I met him because , when I got my television set at Low Birk Hatt , Richard Megstone , the nice young gentleman who looked after the Youth Hostel in Baldersdale and kindly took care of my electrical things , said I had a choice — either BBC1 or Channel 4 .
28 She walked into Cotherstone at seven o clock every morning to keep house for the ‘ Bothy Boys , the lads who looked after the hounds .
29 It was for the man who looked after the sewage outfall ; he had to be here to open the sluice whenever the tide was right .
30 We sailed , we climbed the precipice behind the villa , walked among the chestnut woods on the mountain slopes and came back to eat delicious Italian food cooked by the voluble old peasant woman who looked after the villa .
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