Example sentences of "who have [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Having identified who has joined the church in the past year we need to know what were the main influences which caused them to make their decision .
2 Dan Dooley , who has joined the Exiles from Saracens , is at centre and Howard Lamb , recruited from Richmond towards the end of last season , plays at blindside flanker .
3 If this is your first experience in the role of main helper to someone close to you who has suffered a major loss , and if you have not yet suffered one yourself , you may find the strange variety and intensity of her emotions and her need for long-term support rather daunting .
4 There are many people , though , who can not bear to delve too deeply into this vast and painful subject , although they are anxious to know enough about it to enable them to act wisely when called upon to support and console a relative who has suffered a major loss .
5 It is easy enough to see how someone , especially someone who has suffered a childhood of poverty , can be led to a fear of emptiness , of not getting enough to eat , of starvation itself , and so in later life to stave off or compensate for such a fear .
6 Firstly , the woman or girl who has suffered a sexual assault is made to suffer again by having sensationalist accounts of their ordeal blazoned to the entire nation , defeating attempts to forget .
7 WARWICK Wilson is a 36-year-old Alness farmer who has suffered a loss of sensation in his hands and feet .
8 But likely to be ruled out of the action is full-back Keith Proctor , who has suffered a reaction to his first game back after a six-week injury lay-off he played for the reserves last weekend and is now likely to have to see a specialist about his troublesome knee .
9 But likely to be ruled out of the action is fullback Keith Proctor , who has suffered a reaction to his first game back after a six-week injury lay-off he played for the reserves last weekend and is now likely to have to see a specialist about his troublesome knee .
10 In contrast to the management of a couple with problems in their relationship , different therapeutic needs are posed by the patient who has suffered the break-up of a relationship .
11 In the parliament of 1371 two Austin friars argued that in a national emergency the prince who has endowed the churches may resume their property for the good of the realm ; about this time Langland was enlarging in Piers Plowman upon Holy Poverty , as were so many friars in their sermons ; before the end of the reign Wyclif , spokesman for Gaunt , especially against his wealthy political enemy , Bishop Wykeham of Winchester , was denying the right of priests to hold any property .
12 Wayne Rosing , the Sun executive who has overseen the Spring project for some time , has been named the unit 's president .
13 Mary Lovell , who has arranged the meeting , said that as well as fund raising a support group would identify patients in the area , find people willing to sit with a patient at their home to give carers a break , and provide volunteers to drive people to the hospice or generally help at the hospice .
14 He also becomes chief executive of Courtaulds Aerospace North America , succeeding , who has relinquished the post for health reasons but remains associated with Aerospace as deputy chairman .
15 But there was worse to come , with Angela Rippon ( the outdoor girl who wishes to be known these days as an incisive reporter ) giving free , uncritical publicity to somebody called Di Francis who has written a book about mysterious , leopard-sized felines roaming Britain .
16 Its main ideologist is Boris Kagarlitsky , a young Marxist who has written a number of books that have been published abroad but not yet in the USSR .
17 Until 27 March at Ronald Feldman , a gallery that seems to specialise in the genre , Todd Siler ( who holds a combined doctoral degree in neuroscience and art and who has written a book called Breaking the Mind Barrier ) has devised a tableau he calls ‘ Radical Futures ’ .
18 Whereupon Johnson observed that it did not necessarily follow ‘ that a man who has written a good poem on an art , has practised it ’ , citing excellently instructive verses on cider by a man never known to have made any .
19 An industrial relations expert , who has written a history of cotton unions , has remarked that whereas general historians of the labour movement report only sporadic trade unionism in that industry in the eigh-teenth century , historians of the district or of the industry tend to assume a continuous collective labour presence .
20 This is not the view of Andrew Dallmeyer , who has written a very thought-provoking play linking Chapman and Lennon through corresponding aspects of their haunted lives .
21 ‘ The effect of looking a bit deeper made more difference than anyone thought , ’ summarises Peter Frey , a psychologist at North-Western University who has written the basic text in the field , Chess Skill In Man and Machine ( Springer-Verlag 1977 ) .
22 Is it Brown or Heseltine who has written the following on competition policy ( clue : its was n't Brown ) : ‘ There is a need for a new sophistication in Britain 's approach to the ownership of her industrial assets if they are not to be acquired in growing numbers by our rivals as pieces of the game of restructuring European industry . ’
23 ‘ It 's quite normal to try to discover who has written the — valentine .
24 The exhibition has been organised by Ann Sumner , Keeper at Dulwich , who has written an essay on the influence of the picture on eighteenth- and nineteenth-century French and British artists .
25 The MoMA show will be the first sizeable examination of this subject in North America and has been curated by Riva Castleman who has written an accompanying brochure .
26 A grand presidential title , a large company car and expensive luxury office bring little credit to a status-conscious executive who has achieved no more than a political victory in the rat-race .
27 People always knock someone who has achieved a great deal in a short time .
28 IT IS always a daunting task to review the work of an author who has achieved the pre-eminence of James Boyd .
29 The difference is that with Compact jobs , a young person who has achieved the Compact goals will be given priority over one who has not .
30 Every young person who has achieved the Compact goals will have an equal chance of securing a Compact job .
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