Example sentences of "who [adv] had the " in BNC.

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1 All patrial CUKCs were renamed as British citizens while all non-patrials became British Dependent Territory Citizens ( BDTCs ) who only had the right of abode in their territories of residence .
2 It was a troubled film , directed by Sam Peckinpah who constantly had the Columbia Studio brass breathing down his neck .
3 Companies like Carlton should be allowed to compete fairly with foreigners who already had the freedom to buy British TV companies , Green said .
4 I accepted the inevitable and picked the biggest boy , a lad of about twelve who already had the looks and the embryonic physique of the typical Pathan , the North-West frontiersmen who produce fierce fighting men and , surprisingly , great squash champions — like the legendary Hashim Khan .
5 Flynn 's great progress with the GS&W ; line astonished even John , who already had the highest opinion of the man .
6 The award came as a big surprise for Sam but an even bigger surprise for the Joe Borrows Agency who already had the Bradford-based singer booked at the Great Ayton Social Club on the night of the awards show .
7 Terran employees who still had the faculty of independent mobility fled , understandably , with everything they could lay their hands on .
8 Unlike Beatty , who always had the advantage of being the living image of the role-model Hollywood leading man with dark , mysterious eyes , classic features and a huge mop of hair , Nicholson is the unlikely romantic hero .
9 One of the best stories I recall was related by Norman Willis , the general secretary of the TUC , who once had the enlightening experience of watching a leaflet he had just delivered catch fire .
10 The 25-year-old QPR striker , who once had the blood of a slaughtered sheep smothered on his forehead and boots in Turkey , was the only new name Graham Taylor announced for the November 18 game .
11 Now for some uncomfortable questions : What legal or , dare one say it , moral basis enables the rugby union authorities to discriminate against individuals who once had the temerity to accept payment for playing rugby league but who so dearly want to resume playing rugby union ?
12 Davidson , who was probably the closest of Baldwin 's confidants at the time and who also had the advantage of being present at Aix , was equally muddled in his explanations .
13 The Dolphin was commanded by Captain Samuel Wallis , who also had the Prince Frederick and the Swallow ( Captain Carteret ) under his orders , and she sailed round the world by way of the Straits of Magellan , Tahiti , Java , the Cape of Good Hope , and St Helena , leaving Plymouth on 19 August 1766 and anchoring in the Downs on 20 May 1768 , paying off in June .
14 But so had Danny Maher , who now had the ride on Bachelor 's Button , and who was of the opinion that Pretty Polly did not have sufficient reserves to last home in the Gold Cup .
15 Her father 's eldest sister , the aunt who now had the villa near Ravello where Sophia hoped to spend a few days after the visit to Rome , was in some ways very much like an older version of Penelope .
16 There were , however , many rural societies and branches of larger societies , whose members were agricultural labourers , who often had the advantage of regular if not of high wages ; and the high fall-out rate of membership of most societies testifies to the numbers who aspired to the security provided by membership but could not maintain regular payments .
17 Originally the Housing Bill allowed the Secretary of State to impose HATs against the wishes of tenants who simply had the right to be informed , but the opposition to this proposal was widespread and sustained .
18 And it was in this frame of mind that I undertook the journey to visit a witchdoctor who reputedly had the ability to establish contact between a person and their ancestors .
19 Sequestered within were Pet Shop Boys NEIL TENNANT and CHRIS LOWE — who earlier had the hair-raising experience of being mobbed in the cinema by ticket-buying fans who , in their rush to obtain autographs with menaces , completely ignored a squirming BARNEY from NEW ORDER/ELECTRONIC who was sat next to them at the time .
20 Brian Wood was the strong , solid , ever-dependable central defender who made a tremendous contribution to Palace 's promotion to Division Two under Dick Graham in 1963–64 , but who then had the misfortune to suffer a badly broken leg in a third round FA Cup-tie in January 1965 , from which he never fully recovered while with us .
21 Who else had the money and the connections to hire men like that ?
22 Now who else had the same problem ?
23 The man who actually had the lease or paid the rent anyway on this flat was a man who worked sorting for the Post Office .
24 it was kind of hard for them to pay it and that 's were it came in that the people who actually had the black book would lose out on their dividend because their dividend would be used to pay what was owed by other people .
25 Now , , if we consider ordinary life assurance , somebody first said to me that er , maybe the best erm , sales manager , or sales promoter or publicist or , or whatever , was the person who actually had the idea of calling death insurance , life insurance , yes ?
26 To the majority who never had the chance to meet him properly , I should like to tell you that he was a merry young man who tempered his quick intelligence with humour , and would , in time , have made worthwhile contributions both to medicine and to the Circle … ’
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