Example sentences of "who [adv] [vb base] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is the more-educated people who most use complementary medicine , thus helping to dispel the idea that it is ‘ unscientific ’ and used only by the uncritical ; and about 10 per cent of clients going to complementary practitioners are referred by doctors or paramedics .
2 Many of the police series go to great lengths to ensure an authentic feel ( otherwise the companies get shoals of complaints from the policemen who avidly watch such shows , and sometimes begin to model their behaviour on what they see ) .
3 Small meetings , regular get-togethers of people who mostly know each other , are not so much my concern here , because they will probably run to an agreed format and be fairly self-contained .
4 My right hon. Friend introduced a Bill last week to strengthen the law against those who criminally take other people 's vehicles .
5 However , even if there are some cases of peaceable peoples who rarely feel mutual hostility , they are not easy to find .
6 We need to shift the limelight from maverick founders and shake-'em-up CEOs to groups of engineers , production workers , and marketers who successfully innovate new products and services .
7 Those who successfully navigate this social minefield , popularly known as ‘ the Balmoral test , ’ are accepted by the royal family .
8 Candidates who successfully complete this qualification can often gain direct access to a master 's degree .
9 One of the oddest is the use of libel writs to harass novelists who inadvertently give unpleasant characters the same name as real people .
10 Much of this information is held on the back of the chart , unlike the Admiralty who only use one side .
11 On the whole The taming of the text is very rewarding and stimulating reading , both for those whose allegiances are split between linguistic and literary studies , and for those who only support one of the two " camps " .
12 Many such schools are headed by ‘ teachers in charge ’ who only have primary teacher qualifications .
13 The focus of the book is for people who only have two or three weeks to explore the mountains but Townsend also describes side trips and two long distance walks .
14 You are more likely to be amongst the 35 per cent who only have one preference , or the 24 per cent who have two preferences , of the 20 per cent who have three preferences .
15 But there is something of a tension in Mill 's view , because he thinks that erm it 's very important that if there is plural voting then the people who only have one vote should be prepared to accept the situation , so that the reasons why these people are given extra votes should be reasoned that the public , the uneducated accept past critics have pointed out if that 's going to be the case , why is it necessary to give these people extra votes , give the educated actual votes , because if the uneducated accept that the decisions of the educated are worth more than their own decisions , the opinions of the educated are worth more than the opinions of the uneducated , if they really do accept that , what 's to stop them just following the decisions of the educated in their own vote ?
16 On the other hand , we realise that professional clinicians coming to the book might remain unconvinced about some of our chosen examples , as indeed might those readers who only feel comfortable with terms like ‘ schizophrenia ’ when they are used in a sense that has been given medical approval .
17 Almodovar arrived for the Madrid premiere of TIE ME UP ! in a dustcart , proclaiming his solidarity with the gypsies who daily collect cardboard and wastepaper in such vehicles to earn a living .
18 BABIES who suddenly become bad-tempered and restless may not be sick — they may simply be suffering growing pains .
19 Those whose dementia progresses rapidly or who suddenly become unmanageable because of aggression or death of the carer have no hope of admission .
20 This awareness of the changing world , and the ability of a consultancy to react to it and prepare for it , separates the most professional public relations practitioners from those who merely regard public relations as getting or suppressing publicity .
21 Often they are organized by younger people who merely expect ageing members to be passive recipients of organized events .
22 Those who fecklessly pay huge sums for grimy canvases would be wise to study the results of the Dr Carlo Croce collection at Christie 's on 14 January .
23 Typically they are geographically mobile , living relatively far away from kin , work and friends ; they separate work from leisure and do not always socialise with the same group of people who all know each other .
24 Those wishing to examine such instruments are directed to Fillenbaum ( 1985 ) , Kane and Kane ( 1981 ) , and Woods and Britton ( 1985 ) , who all give extended reviews of what is available , and to Barrowclough and Fleming ( 1986 ) for an application of this approach in goal planning .
25 Not so our callous EC cousins , who all have traditional dishes based on milk-fed lamb .
26 At present the bulk of BGQs are dealt with by 6 members of the scientific and horticultural staff , who all have other duties to perform ( incl. dealing with non-BGQ enquiries ! ) .
27 A newly appointed ICN in a psychiatric unit will require broad specialist knowledge , good communication skills and comfortable shoes , and will have to visit all areas regularly to meet the weekday , weekend and night staff — who all have different problems and needs .
28 The ownership of housing was encouraged by the Conservative governments of the 1980s , who obviously place great sociological significance on it themselves .
29 ‘ Those of my colleagues and fellow theatregoers who constantly compare British theatre unfavourably with the depth , vitality and style of of the European stage should cop a load of this . ’
30 Similarly , ex the excellent output of the research department is essential to formulate effective responses to the ever more sophisticated management who constantly employ new techniques in human resource management and attacks on our members ' pay and conditions .
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