Example sentences of "who [adv] [verb] me " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I can not marry a man who secretly despises me .
2 But it was n't Jozef who finally told me the truth — which of the three suspects had taken the pieces of silver .
3 In August 1942 I was delivered to No 7 Squadron at RAF Oakington by an oppo , Geoff Wornersley , who shortly followed me to PFF .
4 One year , I was so proud of Dad , who always took me to the Fair on the Tuesday evening , because he won a coconut which I carried home feeling most superior .
5 I have my family who always help me , and some very good friends that I can talk to and discuss problems that I have .
6 Another good lesson came in the shape of a small bent old lady , with moth-eaten woollen gloves , who always singled me out to serve her with a dozen cracked eggs that were extremely cheap .
7 Now this was a lady who hardly knew me and had met Nigel only once , and briefly , at a party .
8 He signed a photograph for Max Rinder , the professional dancer who had taught him , with the words : ‘ To the only man who ever taught me anything . ’
9 ‘ This woman is the first woman who ever beat me at chess .
10 I seem to have mislaid all the friends who once called me Nigel .
11 I particularly enjoyed the article about Basil Cottle , who once tutored me in speaking the lilting cadences of medieval verse .
12 This is not what I want to hear from the man who once shook me to the core with a string of incendiary albums .
13 On the third day , I was marched before a prison officer , who perfunctorily asked me my name and address , and if I would confess to where I had concealed the body of Victor Frankenstein .
14 He understood a little of my behaviour as he was a photographer , who also provided me with many useful photographs .
15 There were other lords who also disliked me , and together they managed to persuade the King that I was a danger to Lilliput .
16 Now , thirty years later , I feel a great regret for the father of my first four years , who took me out , and who probably loved me , irresponsibly ( " it 's all right for him ; he does n't have to look after you " ) , and I wish I could tell him now , even though he was , in my sister 's words , a sod , that I 'm sorry for my years of rejection and dislike .
17 As for yours truly , yes , there is someone who I met quite recently , who probably needs me no more than I need her , someone who brings out my poetic streak , and makes me believe in the little people . ’
18 It was no fun , and the putrid bridie at the restaurant , thrown across the counter at me by a young waitress who clearly blamed me personally for the shortcomings in her life , was little consolation .
19 I think he 's a charming man and he 's certainly better than Major or Kinnock , who both give me the creeps .
20 Williams J. said , ‘ In effect , ( the former husband ) says to ( the former wife ) : ‘ If you , who now owe me no duty as a wife , will agree to my stipulation , I will , so long as you observe that stipulation , pay you £6 per month . ’
21 Someone who really understands me and knows all my secrets .
22 But I was once painting the windows of Heath House with the children and Simon came up to my ladder and said , ‘ You hate me , but you 're small fry compared to the people who really hate me ’ . ’
23 The guy who really got me going about painting was John Bellany .
24 The guy who really got me going about painting was John Bellany .
25 ‘ And there was I imagining that underneath that hostile exterior there was a girl who really held me in high esteem . ’
26 ‘ It was Rosemary who really pulled me through , ’ Ann-Marie said yesterday .
27 There 's nothing in Arnold on communication so for those of you who who particularly want me to stay with Arnold , sorry this time round .
28 I bumped into a Dutch girl who excitedly told me that both she and myself had been chosen !
29 My thanks also to Sandra Burslem and Sue Thorne who kindly lent me their word processor .
30 I first turned to them out of desparation in a case where I was making no progress and after some initial success my enthusiasm was further stimulated by talking to Richard Pitt a member of The Society of Homœopaths who kindly sent me a photocopy of the article by Dr. Robert Schore which is reprinted here .
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