Example sentences of "who [adv] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 In particular , he was keen to be among the extras who despairingly crowded the rail as the ship went down — keen , you could say , to undergo in fiction an alternative version of history .
2 The cast of characters is evidence enough of the approach : a fashionable young baronet intended by his ambitious politician uncle to marry the Princess of Lystria ; an exiled king running a fashionable London restaurant ; two pretty dancers , one royal and one plebeian ; a curate on holiday who strikingly resembles the baronet — with such components , the square dance performed through Central Europe is both neat and exciting .
3 But in the middle are a group of ‘ innovators ’ who effectively abolish the underlying unit trust charges and instead impose a smaller initial charge which is coupled to a sliding scale of exit charges on the PEP , which disappear altogether after three years .
4 Yet by the time the invasion neared he was one of the inner-most group of five Ministers — with Eden , Lloyd , Macmillan and Head [ who had replaced Monckton as Minister of Defence ] ( plus Mountbatten , the Chief of Staff ) — who effectively took the decision to issue an ultimatum to Egypt and Israel .
5 Though the group which dominated the executive board of the National Association tended to be drawn from the secularist , radical circles of the metropolis , the women and men who effectively led the repeal movement came from the same provincial backgrounds which sustained many other mid-century reform groups .
6 THE Mirror is not about to be sold , the man who effectively controls the Mirror Group said yesterday .
7 Galloway was actively involved in the management of the business while it was expanding rapidly , but after it was formed into a limited company under the name of Galloway Ltd. in 1889 it was Charles John , the chairman and managing director , who effectively held the reins .
8 After 1911 Manchuria fell under the domination of the warlord , Zhang Zuolin , who effectively controlled the territory until 1928 .
9 The powerful Yang brothers ( President Yang Shangkun and Yang Baibing ) , who effectively controlled the People 's Liberation Army , initiated a major military reshuffle in April and May 1990 , affecting six of China 's seven military regions .
10 We talked of the tremendous impression that our century 's two great conflicts had made upon Finzi , a widely-read intellectual , who paradoxically shunned the public life of the composer , finding his personal outlet in terms of an insular , and yet highly individual musical style .
11 As well as being deficient in mass support , the Republican politicians who numerically dominated the Provisional Government lacked unity amongst themselves .
12 It 's very weird to see yourself ; looking in the mirror is not the same thing as seeing yourself three-dimensionally , which is very , very peculiar , ’ says Howard , who politely declined the chance to take his effigy home at the end of filming .
13 LORD Young , the former Trade Secretary , who secretly authorised the £38 million ‘ sweeteners ’ paid to British Aerospace to buy Rover , last night launched a strong defence of the deal .
14 But amongst the fakes , obsessives and lunatics , was there perhaps a man who instinctively knew the route to the Imajica ?
15 So too , in less tragic circumstances , artists and intellectuals who instinctively loathed the Arts Council rallied round when Thatcher put the boot in .
16 144 ‘ Artificial lesbianism ’ , as opposed to ‘ true ’ homosexuality of the ‘ congenital invert ’ , was condemned as the product of a culture which segregated the sexes and manufactured perverts out of women who instinctively preferred the love of a man .
17 It was , though , his rather better known colleague at Caltech , Linus Pauling , who proposed that the principle to adopt was that of structures that maximise the number of so-called hydrogen bonds between different amino acids in the polypeptide chain ( and who thereby forged the key which very rapidly unlocked molecular biology ) .
18 Erika , who rather liked the Kiev , was disdainful .
19 Fenella , who rather liked the look of the Gnomes , thought they were a bit like careful children , diligently remembering their manners , sprinkling their conversation with ‘ please ’ and ‘ thank you ’ , and with things like , ‘ I 'll trouble you for the jam pot , your honour ’ , or ‘ after you with the tomato chutney , your worship ’ .
20 This had to involve the person who most wanted the situation to change , as well as the elderly person and other relevant people .
21 It was they who most resented the contempt of factory management , the humiliation of public examination for venereal diseases , the lack of privacy in the lavatories , the insecurity of their jobs , the degradation of their living quarters .
22 But the player who most resembled the Becker of old was 31st-ranked Costa .
23 But the player who most resembled the Becker of old was 31st-ranked Costa .
24 Of all the travellers of our period those who most affected the lives of large numbers of people , those who travelled most regularly for pleasure and profit , those to whom the sea , the river and the road , were most natural companions , have left the smallest record .
25 I believe that the Housing Executive ensures that those who most need the grants are put at the top of the list .
26 Those who most need the improvements can not usually afford them .
27 But the moment alone was enough to prove that the Soviet authorities are sincere in their efforts to resolve the riddle of a romantic , mythical figure who single-handedly saved the lives of tens of thousands of Jews in wartime Budapest before disappearing for ever , at the start of 1945 , into the darkness of Stalin 's Russia .
28 Consequently , Reagan , in looking for support from conservative Republicans , ran up against the reality that many of those same people felt bound by obligations to Nixon , who duly won the nomination on the first ballot at the Convention .
29 The only relaxation presently available from the absolute prohibition against foreign lawyers ( other than those who duly obtain the professional qualifications necessary to become members of the legal profession in England and Wales ) undertaking the work of solicitors and barristers is that afforded under the European Communities ( Services of Lawyers ) Order 1978 which , as amended , has effect for the stated purpose of enabling an EC qualified lawyer to pursue his professional activities in any part of the UK by providing , subject to conditions , the services otherwise reserved to the local professions ( advocates , barristers and solicitors ) .
30 Quarry walls , drainage cuts , spoil heaps , road works , railway sidings … are sometimes colonised before the workmen at these sites ( who mostly view the small birds with tolerance ) have even packed up and left .
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