Example sentences of "who [verb] that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The conference was attended by delegates from 130 countries , who agreed that future talks should concentrate on identifying " appropriate commitments " to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) and other greenhouse gases , and on providing aid to Third-World countries in developing less polluting industries .
2 The other major difficulty over the appointment of tutors and approval of syllabuses for classes and courses in the rural areas scheme was resolved by Professor Barker and Green who agreed that each providing body would submit for the information of the Rural Areas Committee its own approved panel of tutors and syllabuses of approved courses .
3 The therapist suggested this to Pamela , who agreed that this might be so .
4 The spread was partly due to the initiative of former pupils of deaf schools who wanted to continue the friendships which school life had forged and to help one another in adulthood , and partly to the evangelistic zeal and charitable urge of hearing people associated with deaf schools , who realised that deaf and dumb children needed support also in adult life .
5 Educational dogmatists who insist that middle-class values ( and hence , speech ) must not be foisted on working-class children ; a society which has never had any real commitment to the idea of education as a key to social mobility ; guilt-ridden liberal sentimentality about working-class cultural identity .
6 The outreach approach has now been successfully attempted by many projects and institutions confirming the view of those who insist that educational institutions must be more open and outgoing if they are to provide a worthwhile community education service .
7 This information was verbally communicated to officials of the Department of Health in July 1981 , who asked that further studies be done to be available by October 1981 .
8 Not many heads would go as far as one who insists that male members of staff must wear their jackets in classrooms even on the warmest of days .
9 ‘ That 's good , ’ said Masklin , who realized that some sort of remark was expected .
10 In the rush to install childcare facilities , there are those who fear that such provisions will be badly planned and hastily constructed , with little thought for the children 's needs .
11 On the one hand , the Church and other religious organisations uphold the traditional principle that Sunday should be kept as a day apart , for religious observance and for rest ; they receive support from trade unions and others who fear that those who work in shops may , if Sunday trading is permitted , find themselves under pressure to work on Sunday against their will .
12 This point is further reinforced by Peirce who argued that all language , all inquiry and all knowledge is essentially social in character .
13 This approach was carried to its furthest extreme by the embryologist E.W. MacBride , who argued that all the different invertebrate types were degenerate offshoots from various points in the main line of vertebrate progress : ‘ It is therefore broadly speaking true ’ , he wrote , ‘ that the Invertebrates collectively represent those branches of the Vertebrate stock which , at various times , have deserted their high vocation and fallen into lowlier habits of life . ’
14 Because ZFM was set up in 1967 at the insistence of the military , who argued that economic development in the Amazon basin was necessary for national security , its managing authority , SUFRAMA ( Superintendencia da Zona Franca de Manaus ) is responsible to Defence rather than Trade .
15 I had a discussion with a middle-class Jamaican woman who argued that Jamaican women are more liberated than Western women because they are more economically active .
16 Pre-agricultural man as a forest dweller would have left no trace , although , like D'Arcy Thompson , who argued that sacred groves , as revered in many tropical countries today , were the inspiration for columned buildings ( hence the Greek temple and all modern architecture ) , it has been entertainingly argued by Corner that traces of forest life are embedded in modern society .
17 There were those who argued that such action would alienate world opinion and sabotage the chances of a diplomatic solution .
18 Innocent 's imposition of an interdict was parried by the archbishop of Toledo who argued that such a sentence would only encourage heresy and the Muslims , but Innocent did not stop trying to break the marriage .
19 Barthes is here influenced , no doubt , by the founder of deconstruction , Jacques Derrida , who argued that contrary to the traditional view that speech is the exemplary case of language in use , and writing an artificial substitute for speech , writing ought to be privileged because it exposes the fallacious metaphysics of presence , of the autonomy of the subject , which speech encourages .
20 Against those who advocated the end of any separate provision for the mentally ill were those who argued that some patients could best be helped by care within specialized institutions provided these were not huge , obsolete in design and rigidly organized .
21 A notable convert to their point of view was Harrison Salisbury of the New York Times who argued that American withdrawal from the South would not produce a takeover by the North .
22 There were , however , divisions within the Labour movement between those prepared to press for unemployment benefits and public works and those who argued that these were mere palliatives , and that shorter hours , higher pay and ultimately social ownership of industry should be the fundamental aims .
23 So far , we have seen the argument that is put forward by those who stress that official statistics are constructed rather than merely collected .
24 This resource was fully realised by the Home Office who recommended that deaf men should be recruited as Air Raid Wardens ( A.R.P 's ) and firewatchers , and many deaf men did in fact serve in these capacities , and also as stretcher-bearers in air-raid conditions .
25 Silly literary prig , I thought , and how typical of a man who thinks that good writing can only be learnt from good reading to find spiritual anguish unreal .
26 If you 're the sort of person who thinks that Parliamentary democracy is a reasonably important thing , you could n't take much pleasure from the findings of the enquiry into the way Rover was sold off .
27 Individualists who deny that these claims explain anything at all are , in effect , simply reasserting the hegemony of the interest from which individualism draws its life , while holists are pursuing their own concern with the constraining power of society .
28 Two of the prizes , a Magnum of Champagne and a Bottle of Smirnoff Vodka were returned ( unused ) by the winners who requested that these be auctioned .
29 Oh Lord who to see that all the world , we thank thee for those who fought and those who laid down their lives in the cause of righteousness and freedom .
30 In fact , now that I come to think of it , I have a feeling it may have been Lord Darlington himself who made that particular remark to me that time he called me into his study some two months after that exchange with Miss Kenton outside the billiard room .
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