Example sentences of "who [verb] he [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When John McEnroe stunned the tennis world by beating Boris Becker at the Australian Open , after a succession of resounding defeats from the player who succeeded him as Wimbledon Champion in 1985 , he described it as ‘ getting a monkey off my back . ’
2 He gave land to Chad at Barrow in Lindsey for the building of a monastery ( HE IV , 3 ) , and when Chad died Wynfrith , who succeeded him as bishop , was evidently abbot of Barrow ( HE IV , 6 ) .
3 In the early 1640s Best compiled an account of his farming methods and other country matters , such as ‘ the fashions att our Country weddings ’ , for the benefit of his son , John ( 1620–69 ) , who succeeded him as lord of the manor .
4 Rose 's pupil , who succeeded him as the royal gardener .
5 His brother , who succeeded him as the Emperor Leopold II , was able to restore peace in the disturbed areas only by a skilful mixture of force and concessions .
6 After this he will be required to make it over to a family member , just as any heir who succeeded him from outside the family would be required to do .
7 Edward III always recognised the importance of noble support in his wars , and , both in his reign and in that of his grandson , Richard II who succeeded him in 1377 , the nobility led from the front .
8 This was the beginning of a family association with the School which was to last until 1942 , when his son , who succeeded him in 1898 , retired .
9 He was survived by his wife Anne , daughter and heir of Richard Comport , of Eltham , and a son Comport ( born 1676 ) , who succeeded him in the baronetcy .
10 His son Rolf , who disowned him after failing to extract any signs of remorse from him , visited him in 1977 .
11 In the early pages of the Old Testament , Joseph was cruelly treated by his brothers , who sold him into slavery .
12 Swinton , who sold him to Widnes for only £7,500 in January last year , would like him back .
13 Ramos , a Protestant , was criticized on Feb. 18 by the influential ( Catholic ) Archbishop of Manila , Cardinal Jaime Sin , who attacked him as a former Marcos stooge and expressed his preference for Mitra , thus denting Ramos ' dwindling support within the LDP .
14 An unnamed 21-year-old man was beaten unconscious by a group of thugs who attacked him with sticks .
15 Denis Healey , nevertheless , had to contend with a wide range of critics , from socialists such as Benn who claimed that his successes resulted from such right-wing nostrums as a wage freeze and cutting public spending , to the monetarists of the Policy Studies Committee who attacked him for being far too dirigiste .
16 When neighbours who entertained him in Knightsbridge spent a rare weekend at Hatherley they were surprised at the switch from newspaper owner to farmer , a switch so thorough that the paper was not mentioned the whole time they were there .
17 Honest enquirers , like the lawyer who asked him about the greatest commandment , were impressed and attracted by his Bible-based teaching ( though , as with the rich young ruler , they did not all respond to it positively ) .
18 A playwright once responded to someone who asked him about the message of his play that when he wanted to send messages he did so by telegram .
19 She remembers the time he was coming out of his flat in the midst of a rainstorm and was approached by a young man who asked him for the price of a meal .
20 He swooped on Preminger who rebuked him for being drunk , raging , ‘ You ver drunk last night and you are drunk now . ’
21 He gave two solos to girls who repaid him by becoming loyal workers for many years .
22 Victor Mature it was , no less , who led him to the Lord .
23 Lee 's intervention is expected to be warmly welcomed by City fans who idolised him during his playing days .
24 Under-fire Saints boss Ian Branfoot knows Wallace would be a huge hit with the fans , who idolised him before his £1.25 million move north four years ago .
25 Heroes : Augusto Odone , who refused to accept there was no cure for his son , and Nick Nolte , who plays him in the film Screen drama : Michaela Odone , played by Susan Sarandon , nurses her son Lorenzo , Zack O'Malley Greenburgh , in a moving scene from Lorenzo 's Oil Prof John Sargent : helped pioneer treatment
26 Such behaviour would not normally be a recommendation to the High Court bench , but it was less of a problem for the Labour Lord Chancellor who appointed him in 1975 .
27 This was not an opinion , simply the Catholic moral teaching , he said at the funeral of Henry Babbington , shot dead on Wednesday by IRA men who mistook him for a loyalist terrorist .
28 While still in his teens , and with an audacity that marked his whole career , he made himself known to the officers conducting the Ordnance Survey of Great Britain , who recommended him to an MP for county Mayo , Ireland , as capable of providing the Mayo grand jury with an accurate county map .
29 Taskopruzade 's grandfather , for example , studied under Molla Yegan , probably at some time alter 839/1435–6 , and it was Molla Yegan who recommended him for the post at Taskopru .
30 One person whose eye he did catch was Patrick McGoohan , who recommended him for the role of cabin boy John Drake in Sir Francis Drake , a twenty-six-part adventure series made by ITC , whose boss , Lew Grade , was expert at making programmes that would sell to America ; one of them was Danger Man , starring McGoohan .
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