Example sentences of "who [verb] to me " in BNC.

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1 There 's times I want to talk to someone who belongs to me .
2 I just wish my mum was here , someone who belongs to me .
3 ‘ It is only because you want to pry , to discover who writes to me , that you come out in this way every morning .
4 But the best thing was gaining a pen-pal who writes to me in Chinese .
5 So I have people who report to me like Kevin my despatch manager .
6 And er again , when we get to year fifteen , I get one or two clients who say to me well actually the Norwich have just sent me a bonus record through and I 've actually got nine thousand in the pot already , I think I 'll pay the mortgage off .
7 It should have read : ‘ I hereby confirm that prior to the execution of this document I fully explained the contents and effect thereof to [ blank space ] who seemed to me , and informed me that she perfectly understood the same . ’
8 There was a widow who came to me
9 ‘ There is one I 'd strongly tip for the future who came to me that way , though .
10 I 'd like to ask the convenor erm how would he have er replied to a young woman who came to me fairly recently whose husband had just left home by mutual agreement , and for the sake of their children and er she said to me after he had gone er that the home was a much happier place now that there was , they had been freed from the tension that they had been going through in a very difficult time .
11 Will my right hon. Friend see what he can do to help some children in my constituency , who came to me saying that they would like access to present-day artists such as Yehudi Menuhin , Cliff Richard and Jason Donovan and other , younger stars ?
12 Some decided that they would not pay the poll tax , but the people about whom I worry are those such as the elderly lady suffering from a form of senile dementia who came to me because she was being harassed about the poll tax .
13 The young , the young officer who came to me he said of course we 're so glad you got the number , you 're quite right it 's a car that 's been doing the same thing in Wokingham .
14 There 's a couple who came to me Mark !
15 Christians need to remember the words recorded of Jesus : " Not everyone who says to me on that day , Lord , Lord , shall enter the Kingdom but those who do the will of the Father " ( Matthew 7:21 ) .
16 It clearly worked for my Russian neighbour , who turned to me with tears in her eyes after the chorus 's outfront plea at the end of the Streltsy scene and said , ‘ this is about us , now ’ .
17 Not that there was any firework display , but simply that , whereas I had usually initiated lovemaking , it was now Grant who turned to me .
18 What that sentence really said to the audience and viewers was : ‘ It 's people who matter to me and I 'm going to take care of my fellow Americans real well . ’
19 All this I learn from the bus driver who chats to me as we wait for the traffic ahead to move .
20 Let me take you to one twentieth-century Christian who seems to me to express this so vividly .
21 And I was sponsored to be bored to death by a friend , who talked to me non-stop for three hours . ’
22 I thanked her for them and the poster and then phoned George , who talked to me in monosyllables .
23 The women who talked to me about using their tears to deal with anger , recognized quite clearly what they were doing .
24 Who speaks to me ? she wondered .
25 The women who spoke to me often had an intense nostalgia for East Africa .
26 Around him clustered lively and innovatory young administrators , many of whom went on to be Directors of Education themselves — including Alan Chorlton , who spoke to me on the stairs after being totally silent throughout my Banbury interview .
27 He has always been aware of his spiritual nature : ‘ When I was seven I was visited by 40 judged — beings of light — who spoke to me about my role here .
28 I am most grateful , therefore , to James Freeman , chairman of the PLC who spoke to me on this matter .
29 But then the lady came back on again — you know , the one who spoke to me first — and she said ‘ Thank you very much , ’ and she told me they were going to send me a prize of — wait for it — 5 .
30 The only one who spoke to me about it was a police officer when I was in the police station : ‘ Why is a young girl like you destroying yourself on this stuff . ’
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