Example sentences of "who [verb] [vb pp] a " in BNC.

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1 If this is your first experience in the role of main helper to someone close to you who has suffered a major loss , and if you have not yet suffered one yourself , you may find the strange variety and intensity of her emotions and her need for long-term support rather daunting .
2 There are many people , though , who can not bear to delve too deeply into this vast and painful subject , although they are anxious to know enough about it to enable them to act wisely when called upon to support and console a relative who has suffered a major loss .
3 It is easy enough to see how someone , especially someone who has suffered a childhood of poverty , can be led to a fear of emptiness , of not getting enough to eat , of starvation itself , and so in later life to stave off or compensate for such a fear .
4 Firstly , the woman or girl who has suffered a sexual assault is made to suffer again by having sensationalist accounts of their ordeal blazoned to the entire nation , defeating attempts to forget .
5 WARWICK Wilson is a 36-year-old Alness farmer who has suffered a loss of sensation in his hands and feet .
6 But likely to be ruled out of the action is full-back Keith Proctor , who has suffered a reaction to his first game back after a six-week injury lay-off he played for the reserves last weekend and is now likely to have to see a specialist about his troublesome knee .
7 But likely to be ruled out of the action is fullback Keith Proctor , who has suffered a reaction to his first game back after a six-week injury lay-off he played for the reserves last weekend and is now likely to have to see a specialist about his troublesome knee .
8 But there was worse to come , with Angela Rippon ( the outdoor girl who wishes to be known these days as an incisive reporter ) giving free , uncritical publicity to somebody called Di Francis who has written a book about mysterious , leopard-sized felines roaming Britain .
9 Its main ideologist is Boris Kagarlitsky , a young Marxist who has written a number of books that have been published abroad but not yet in the USSR .
10 Until 27 March at Ronald Feldman , a gallery that seems to specialise in the genre , Todd Siler ( who holds a combined doctoral degree in neuroscience and art and who has written a book called Breaking the Mind Barrier ) has devised a tableau he calls ‘ Radical Futures ’ .
11 Whereupon Johnson observed that it did not necessarily follow ‘ that a man who has written a good poem on an art , has practised it ’ , citing excellently instructive verses on cider by a man never known to have made any .
12 An industrial relations expert , who has written a history of cotton unions , has remarked that whereas general historians of the labour movement report only sporadic trade unionism in that industry in the eigh-teenth century , historians of the district or of the industry tend to assume a continuous collective labour presence .
13 This is not the view of Andrew Dallmeyer , who has written a very thought-provoking play linking Chapman and Lennon through corresponding aspects of their haunted lives .
14 The exhibition has been organised by Ann Sumner , Keeper at Dulwich , who has written an essay on the influence of the picture on eighteenth- and nineteenth-century French and British artists .
15 The MoMA show will be the first sizeable examination of this subject in North America and has been curated by Riva Castleman who has written an accompanying brochure .
16 People always knock someone who has achieved a great deal in a short time .
17 Behavioural elements can be worked into a task-centred programme , teaching someone who has lived a rather isolated life how to begin to make conversation again .
18 In addition , being termed ‘ skilled ’ often simply means that the worker is carrying out a job traditionally performed by someone who has undertaken an apprenticeship and is therefore a craft worker by training .
19 It is difficult for us today to enter fully into the power that those ancient rituals must have generated , but anyone who has attended a religious revival meeting with its emphasis on repentance , tears and rebirth is in touch with the same forces .
20 Anyone who has attended a local event will have seen the Red Cross carrying out first aid duties but its work is far wider than most people realise .
21 pointed up the risk that the panel may have to respond to shareholders demands to make the company spend money on more external work : ‘ While most shareholders will act responsibly , anybody who has attended an AGM knows there will always be someone with a bee in his or her bonnet . ’
22 This might be an understandable reaction in someone who has endured an afternoon of flag and whistle , but it misses the point of why the law was framed .
23 Behind her attention-demanding façade lay the insecurity of a person who has endured an unhappy childhood , as the poet , Dom Moraes , later to become her third husband , discerned .
24 Police have launched a nationwide hunt for Moore , who has served a jail sentence for armed robbery .
25 The Queen as Head of State gives overall stability to the political system and the Prime Minister as Head of Government is one who has served a long apprenticeship in parliament in high office of state and who is the elected leader of a party which has the confidence of the nation .
26 Also in the squad is assistant manager Mick Tait , who has served a four-match suspension following his sending off against Chester last month .
27 1881 Caption — Mamma ( to Mabel , who has expressed a desire to see the boundary of Sussex and Surrey ) .
28 Obtain the name of their client who has expressed an interest .
29 ‘ People might have though it was a stupid statement at the time — now they know I was right , ’ added Keegan who has named an unchanged team .
30 For their size , they can be quite quick , as anyone who has followed a lively one across a garden or road will testify .
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