Example sentences of "who [verb] [prep] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Er my Lord it 's rather a complicated of transaction and the the essential heading this case was that he failed to advise in relation to title er the person who goes from with respect to a land transaction he 's entitled to expect that the lawyer investigates the state of entitlement to arrange the matter and to explain to the trial exactly what that is , what it is that is portrayed by the state of the title .
2 But the man who lived at in Rendall , he was going to retire .
3 In effect , those who operated from within the comfy confines of the constitutional approach , froze the constitution when the set-up is never fixed .
4 By the time 1972 was out I had found a Vets club in join , the VAC as it was called , and I began to pick up something about the scene — where to find the minor races , who to go to for training advice , the way to use blocks and how to seek out physios for repair purposes — and I took up steady training .
5 He knows who to go to for explanations .
6 erm in which you have a core of five permanent members and they are the victors of the second world war erm and then others who sit in in rotation to make up the total assembly but I think it 's about eighteen members altogether ?
7 However McCann , who got to within 8 seconds of him last Saturday in the Movilla 10 , started very quickly and at the turn , which he reached in 9.30 , he was 10 seconds up on the Banbridge man .
8 The rapist who pounces from behind a hedge is an opportunist .
9 Category II contained the 32% of authorities who referred to between 5 and 30 programmes or courses , and Category III , the 27% of authorities who mentioned 5 or less .
10 The man who rose from behind a large polished desk on the far side of the room , and came forward to shake Robyn 's hand , was smaller and more ordinary-looking than she had expected .
11 In the western gable north Greek and Athenian heroes are guided in the fight against barbarism by another child of Zeus , god of light and healing and lord of the two other greatest inter-state sanctuaries , Delphi north of the gulf and the Ionian island Delos ; while on the east front Zeus himself supports the fortunes of Pelops who came from beyond the Aegean to give his name to the Peloponnese .
12 THE EIGHTH Middle East Oil Show in Bahrain proved to be a great success , at least to one of the 250 companies who came from around the world to exhibit .
13 As for the incomers , about 108 freemen ( 47·2 per cent ) were immigrants who came from within a 20-mile radius , 75 ( 29·3 per cent ) came from between 20 and 50 miles and 73 ( 28·5 per cent ) came from further afield .
14 But how do you know who to talk to in the first place ?
15 It is clearly under voluntary control : we can decide who to listen to in a crowded room and who to shut out .
16 According to a number of reliable witnesses the assailant was a tall man in a grey coat walking towards Mahoney , a short woman in a green hat hiding in a doorway , a masked figure in the back seat of a car and an unseen person who fired from behind a parking sign .
17 Similar stories exist , particularly throughout the Americas and Asia , relating to teachers who arrived from across the sea .
18 The four parties were the National Union for Democracy and Progress ( UNDP ) , led by former President Emile Derlin Zinsou ( who returned from in exile in Paris on Feb. 7 — see also p. 37239 ) , the Dahomean Democratic Rally ( RDD ) , led by former President Hubert Maga , the Dahomean Democratic Union ( UDD subsequently renamed the National Front for Democracy — FND ) , led by former President Justin Tometin Ahomadegbe , and the Democratic Republican Movement ( MDR ) , led until his death in Paris on Dec. 3 , 1989 , by former President Sourou Migan Apithy , and then by Joseph Adjigon Keke .
19 Among children who survived for at least five days arterial oxygen saturation on admission ranged from 41% to 98% .
20 that both Gethwyn and Russell sorted out er who up on on those extremes that you get in a group that , that maybe feel they re that they really have nothing to , hardly anything to do with us they 've do n't receive ministry and why should that be , and after be asked each year , has to go up ?
21 Festinniog and those who went by by train would be transferred to the quay in .
22 ‘ Lord , you who live outside of time and reside in the imperishable moment , we ask your blessing this New Year upon your gift to us of time .
23 So you think , you think people who live in in well off areas , there 's lots to do do n't take drugs ?
24 She looked forward to his usual visit that evening , but he did not come , and it was Comfort who appeared at half-past nine to remake Julia 's bed and see that she had everything she needed for the night .
25 And that includes all the people who come from outside of Richmond who were brought as children , who may have come with jazz bands as children .
26 There are people who come from from different cultures amongst this hundred who might want to say something about erm , wedding ceremonies .
27 A large proportion of important innovations are brought about by people who step outside of conventional categories or traditional assumptions .
28 However , none of them is likely to affect those workers who fall outside of collective agreements ; the contract workers and the many women who work for small manufacturing or service sector employers .
29 At some point they were worked by Samuel Yeats , who remained until at least the mid-1780s .
30 Must not theology , if it were to be possible at all , be established from the other side , by God himself — by the God who makes himself known to us in Jesus Christ rather than the God whom we choose to recognise in him , a God who comes from beyond ourselves to judge , redeem and save ?
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