Example sentences of "who [vb base] the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 The panel of forecasters who track the largest economies for The Economist says the GDP of nine European countries will contract by 0.4% this year ( chart 1 ) .
2 I suppose that the common denominator in on-the-road campaigning is the commitment it requires , especially from the volunteer workers in the constituencies who make the biggest sacrifice .
3 The people who make the biggest contribution to profit are those who take a pride in being the best .
4 Differences in housing must be included in any account of inequality and there is evidence in Britain of a wide gap between the majority of the population who are well housed and the poor who occupy the worst accommodation .
5 The threat from investment in the East is also being played down by TUC officials who say the biggest business to be done by investors will be in filling East European markets with much-craved products .
6 Situated virtually on the beach and only a short walk from the centre of San Antonio , the Palmyra Apartments are ideal for those who want the best of both worlds .
7 The Los Alamos is in a quiet side street about ten minutes from the action and about seven minutes from the beach , and is perfect for those who want the best of the action , along with the occasional quiet spell .
8 British shoppers who want the best prices may be better of shopping cross-channel .
9 Resident in the area , I provide a personal service to discerning clients who seek the best apartments , villas and country properties in and around Cannes .
10 Here the general principle is that those who receive the largest amount of money overall receive it at the least frequent intervals and rank highest in the hierarchy of power .
11 It is the very oldest age group , those aged over 85 , who record the highest per capita expenditure at £1452 per person per annum ( Table 7.2 ) .
12 Mr Hunt also announced a three-year transitional relief scheme for individuals — costing £300m next year — to protect ratepayers who face the largest increases in the change .
13 About twenty thousand business rate payers who face the largest increases following the nineteen ninety revaluation , will benefit by five point three million pounds from the transitional changes .
14 There must surely be an end to the crazy system which pays most to those who drive the furthest , in the biggest cars .
15 I mean , we do n't stand still at this because what will seem a very good service this year will look like a lousy service in five years ' time so let's not pretend the fact that we have n't achieved everything we 've achieved this year in some previous years means that we have n't made any improvements because I think one of the key areas where in fact er improvements have been made in previous years , and to a certain extent , one could say reading this I was worried by an apparent admission of very much reference or very much expenditure on them in the provision of day centres , because I think that a key element in care in the community and the fact that today so successfully this year has been the fact that a major number of th and I do n't think there 's any disagreement over this , a number of day centres , very efficient and very effective day centres , were developed , funded , provided mainly in the conurbation areas and I think Mr is right to highlight the fact that , as so often happens in these instances , it 's people who live in conurbations who get the best deal because it 's , it 's more economical , it 's easier to provide a centre for a large number of people than it is for a small number of people .
16 That pioneer-breed has made way for pampered and petted females who demand the best of two worlds .
17 Words are taking on new meanings : ‘ workers ’ are those who talk the loudest , and the honest worker who shows the slightest independence is a ‘ traitor to his class ’ .
18 of the poll tax — for a family of two adults and two primary school children who use the cheapest form of fuel and do not ’ waste ’ their income through smoking and drinking , constituted two thirds of the minimum sum experts have identified as sufficient to meet their living requirements .
19 Many of the people I met also rely on loan companies and clubs who scour the poorest housing estates to find their neediest clients .
20 They are unlikely to influence those farmers — such as agribusinessmen — who react most readily , and most exclusively , to financial incentives ; and these are usually precisely those farmers who wreak the greatest landscape change .
21 At present it is mainly Ariens born between March 21 and 26 who have the best of this good luck , but those of you born in April will experience a surge of good fortune from June 1993 onwards .
22 ‘ If in some sort the brothers all stand accused by this present word , ’ said Earl Robert helpfully , ‘ it is they , the humbler children of the household , who have the best right to ask for a name .
23 In fact , in this population , about er half the offspring are accounted for by about five percent of er of the stags who have the best territories and the largest harems of , of hinds .
24 If that happens , and West of Scotland beat Grangemouth at Burnbrae to accompany the Colleges up , there will be much gnashing of teeth among the Musselburgh XV , who have the best defensive record of the three clubs but could lose out because they have scored fewer points .
25 Pareto defined an elite at its simplest as those individuals who have the highest indices of excellence in any particular activity , whether it be train-robbing , fishing , political science , or big business .
26 It is unmarried women in their late 20s who have the highest risk of illegitimate birth .
27 Instead of using the Orders of Merit , we suggest that , from now on , Ryder Cup teams should be composed of those Americans and Europeans who have the stupidest names . ’
28 The society also placed advertisements asking for applications to draw on its funds for the purpose of release from debtors ' prisons , and backed this up by sending two members of the committee on a tour of London 's gaols to receive applications and arrange for the release of ‘ the most distressed objects , preferring the most useful Artists and Manufacturers , and those who have the largest families . ’
29 Not surprisingly , the unions or union branches of the most powerful workers ( ie. those who have the greatest effect on capital ) are in general the strongest .
30 If there is no father , or father-substitute , in a family , it is likely to be boys who have the greatest difficulty in finding a secure identity .
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