Example sentences of "who [vb past] during the " in BNC.

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1 Aristotle , who lived during the 4th century BC , said that there was a fundamental ‘ living principle ’ — or ‘ life force ’ — that distinguished living from nonliving material .
2 Much of the learning and practice of the Egyptians was absorbed by Greek physicians , one of the best known of whom is Dioscorides , an army doctor who lived during the time of Nero in the first century AD .
3 TWO Dutch balloonists who ditched during the Atlantic race were rescued by Navy helicopter and flown to hospital at Truro yesterday .
4 Those who fled during the Cultural Revolution often did so alone , others carrying two children on their backs across the Himalayan mountains to join the 100,000 strong refugee communities in India , where today a committed group have devoted their lives to working for the Tibetan cause .
5 The aim was to save animals who bolted during the blitz — it promised to return any lost animal to its owner .
6 The point is echoed by McKendrick who argues that as well as " the many who suffered during the late eighteenth century , and even more in the later stages of industrialisation , there were those who gained " .
7 The distinction here is between two very distinct schools of harpsichord-making ; a tradition carried on by native craftsmen who flourished during the first 25 years of the 18th century and an imported tradition initiated by Hermann Tabel that displaced its native rival as effectively as a cuckoo might take charge in a sparrow 's nest .
8 His partner in the conspiracy , James Laming , who claimed during the trial to have invented a racehorse nobbling stun gun , was jailed for 14 years .
9 He has a second son , Sebastian , nine , who telephoned during the day to be told his father and Koti 's surprise good news .
10 ALEXANDER MOGILNY , the Soviet forward who defected during the world championships in Stockholm , is among the Soviet contingent appearing in the NHL , which begins its 1989-90 season today , for the first time in the League 's 73-year history .
11 The directors who served during the year were as follows :
12 Mr Tholen , of Girsby , has two sons , one an RAF Jaguar pilot who served during the Gulf War and the other a marine engineer .
13 The last recorded miller was Duncan Preston , who worked during the 1880s and '90s .
14 We will always be grateful to the doctors and nurses who worked during the festive season , as well as all year round .
15 A lively indication of the ways in which ivory could minister to the complex life-style of a young Egyptian ruler is provided by finds from the tomb of Tutankhamun who reigned during the mid-fourteenth century B.C. Apart from furnishing armlets and bracelets ivory was used for the handles of the king 's walking-stick , ostrich feather fan and whip .
16 He was Captain in 1939 when his brother , Tom Batt ( who died during the war ) was elected President , for the second time .
17 Robin Prentice , who died during the winter , became the Scottish Cricket Union 's Administrator in 1982 , retiring in 1990 and had a long association with the game in Scotland and as a wicket-keeper batsman with Uddingston in the Western Union .
18 The first on the village green is in the style of an Eleanor Cross , and dedicated to men from the estate who died during the First World War .
19 Moreover , there is evidence to suggest that by the seventeenth century both literacy and Bible reading were on the increase ; in the parish of Keevil in Wiltshire , for example , only 4 per cent of testators who died during the decades between 1590 and 1630 appear to have possessed a Bible , whereas during the course of the 1630s and 1640s the proportion rose to 18 per cent .
20 These had been voluntarily sold to the Nazis , or were not repurchased by the owners who had sold them under duress , or were part of the estates of Dutch citizens who died during the war leaving no heirs .
21 The Yasukuni shrine , dedicated to the souls of those Japanese who died during the Pacific War , had become a focus for the ongoing debate concerning the role of militarism within modern Japanese society .
22 The inquests on soldiers who died during the Falklands conflict were investigated by civil coroners courts .
23 But the party changed its position when supporting a move to send the mayor and his deputy to Thiepval to pay tribute to the members of the Orange Order who died during the two world wars .
24 The 56 people who died during the riots are around 3 per cent of the total expected to die from violent crime in the current 12 months .
25 Det Con Dave Stanmore of Bootle CID said : ‘ It was a despicable crime which caused a lot of distress to the families of servicemen who died during the war .
26 Earlier , the royal couple unveiled a long-awaited memorial to the British troops who died during the 1952-53 Korean war .
27 And of the Adults who left during the siege , or who managed to survive the fire , three Britons will soon go on trial for conspiracy to murder the federal agents who were killed or wounded in the initial shoot out .
28 Defeat came in Lewisham East for Mr Colin Moynihan , 36 , the junior Energy Minister who married during the campaign .
29 It was pointed out that he was a regular watchman who slept during the day so as to be able to perform his nightly duties .
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