Example sentences of "who [vb past] through the " in BNC.

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1 Many Americans who lived through the war years and remembered quite vividly the virtual hatred and perceived Japanese treachery fuelled during the war probably stiffened at the presented Japanese viewpoint but it remains , for the most part , historically accurate .
2 People of all ages from small children to those who lived through the campaign came to the city for a week to remember .
3 Paula Yates is positioned as the fluffy bimbo , and Muriel Gray is the one who stalked through the set being rather rude to the bands and deconstructing the whole female persona ; I think she 's trying to do the same now with the chat show .
4 Those who fought through the months to make it a much leaner , quicker body exercising true peer group pressure will be a touch disappointed .
5 Those who fought through the months to make it a much leaner , quicker body exercising true peer group pressure will be a touch disappointed .
6 The breed of Tories who passed through the Commons , on their way from the Brigade of Guards to the House of Lords ’ , is no more .
7 Some of these men who passed through the Met Office were unforgettable characters .
8 It can hardly have been on account of the unanimous beliefs of the many Home Secretaries who passed through the department during the period — though it has to be said that only one , Roy Jenkins , showed any real interest in the issue and he did what he could to achieve action .
9 However , those who passed through the entrance gates where Hades stood might never return to the mortal world .
10 He , like others , mentioned some young gallant who passed through the village about the same time .
11 These houses were rarely seen by travellers who passed through the town on their way from Derby to Manchester .
12 He just about could do , because as it turned out she only took a percentage , unlike the other two who got through the lot , but then Egan had more to leave hidden than Place .
13 The pitiable Mr Pygling , who jerked through the little town with a stick — it turned out he had Parkinson 's disease — doffed his check cap to Jane and even held the door open for her when they ran into each other at a shop until she opened the house to the public ( having restored it sufficiently ) on Sundays .
14 The former ferry steward , who rose through the National Union of Seaman before being elected MP for Hull , wears every thought and feeling on his sleeve .
15 Performing at Tokyo 's Club Quatro , Wildski is truly an over-the-top , larger-than-life man who bounded through the Japanese experience picking up enough words and phrases to cobble together an Oriental rap which had the crowd beaming from ear to ear .
16 As someone who came through the state school system and benefited from the investment that previous taxpayers spent on our schools , I believe that it is vital that today 's children and their parents get value for money from the present state school system .
17 A host of current Irish League stars who came through the ranks will line up in a special BB challenge match .
18 These images paled before the man who came through the archway that led to the deeper mysteries of the church .
19 TWO old buddies who came through the rugby school of warfare together are poised to lift Ards out of doldrums .
20 Also on the recovery trail is Marine fullback Keith Proctor , who came through the full 90 minutes of a reserve game at the weekend after a six-week injury lay-off .
21 Old Black Hannah put in an appearance , and one or two other women from the village who remembered Martha as a child , and who , perhaps , shared her liking for the Old Faith ; but apart from them , it was just Mr Drew ( who galloped through the service as fast as he could ) , Jennifer and the two gravediggers , who came in after the blessing and carried the coffin out underhand , dumping it without much reverence into the mortice they had prepared for it .
22 Charmed too by her four cousins , their husbands and wives , all of whom treated her with instant familiarity , and their children who caroused through the house with unstoppable stamina , much to her aunt 's hilarity .
23 She was butchered at the wheel of the vehicle by her attacker who hung through the passenger window , repeatedly slicing her with the panga .
24 Julian went out from her strangely uneasy for creatures who walked through the world so openly and confidently .
25 Things were looking brighter at half-time , thanks to an equaliser from Nick Cusack , who flew through the air with the greatest of ease , to knock home his 6th goal of the season .
26 The Prussian Hussars , who had waited fifty yards from the bridge to give themselves room to charge any attacker who broke through the infantry , spurred forward , but the General ignored them .
27 Among the leading challengers from the home countries in the men 's event will be Steve Tunstall , who stormed through the beginning of the cross country season a year ago with victories at Durham , Cardiff and Mallusk but was clearly weary when it came to the championships .
28 Then came Spike Lee , who shoved through the door left ajar by the commercial success of Eddie Murphy , and suddenly Dickerson was too busy to push Juice ahead of cinematography projects like She 's Got ta Have It , School Daze and Do The Right Thing .
29 The man who fell through the roof was n't after any of the family jewels .
30 A burglar who fell through the roof of a shop and down a ventilator shaft has been jailed for three years .
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