Example sentences of "who [adv] [vb past] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Then an attempted entry to a local authority hairdressing course went embarrassingly wrong ; it finished with Mrs Finni having to spell out her daughter 's handicap to students and a flustered teacher who eventually refused to accept responsibility for a girl who could never be left alone in the classroom .
2 Perhaps the clergyman who eventually did open the door might have been included in this category , surprised though she was to see him .
3 I had never met the head of governors , Dr Arnold Barton , though I had seen him at several functions , a thin , tall , stern-faced , lantern-jawed streak of a man who rarely seemed to smile .
4 He gained a reputation as the Buster Keaton of the cricket world , a man who rarely seemed to have any expression on his face and who was not one for the excited cavortings that greet the fall of a wicket ; yet behind the mask a good deal of thought was given to his bowling , and he was liked and respected by his fellow players .
5 I had been afraid of her at Oxford where she had been a quick , intense , thundery girl who rarely bothered to talk to other women .
6 If she were rich , that would n't stop her caring for children , but she could charge only a nominal fee to the mothers who badly needed to work .
7 George kicked off his war by joining the small group of fighting men who courageously volunteered to stay behind and fight a rearguard action in Dieppe in September 1940 .
8 I had the good fortune to have two older sisters around the house , who basically had to do all the nasty dirty work .
9 To Leonard , who long had felt the masterful power of passion — when the guests become tyrants — Layton 's honesty was as refreshing as his candour was liberating .
10 Realistic levels of remuneration and an improved clinical career structure would enable those nurses who so wished to continue the practice of nursing without loss of status to their educational and managerial colleagues .
11 Finally , the unforgettable Stan Reynolds , a player who so loved scoring goals that he would attempt to do so in whichever net was nearest .
12 Several schemes from British architects , which arrived after Friday , 20th March , 1857 , were rejected , including one from H. E. Kendall , who only managed to get his work to the hall on the following Monday .
13 It was infuriating that she should need this arrogant cynic who only had to snap his fingers for the world to leap to attention , anxious to please .
14 I was glad that I was n't one of those Portuguese or Italians who only had to go three hours without shaving for there to be a blue carpet on their chin .
15 Their ancestors had scorned and derided Vincent and now they were rich from Van Gogh postcards and souvenirs bought by people like Skye , who only came to catch a whisper of his ghost .
16 Catholics were rebels who only wanted to destroy not only Northern Ireland but also the Protestant nature of the rest of the British Isles and the only thing which maintained civil liberties was adherence to the Protestant faith .
17 How awful , after all , to be wishing that people who only wanted to help would go away and leave her alone .
18 Afterwards Leconte , who only resumed training a week ago after injuring himself in the Paris Open , admitted he was surprised at the way Ferreira had fallen to pieces .
19 Eve knew that through these doors next week would come girls who only intended to use university as part of their social life .
20 A recent and very interesting case is that of a fifty-three- year-old man in Italy who suddenly began to sleep less and less .
21 One drawback of this style of argument is that not only is the harm serious for the victim , but conviction for such an offence is serious for the defendant : a single class of offenders ( rapists , serious wounders ) would contain not only those with subjective fault but also those who merely failed to take proper care , all of whom would be convict.ed of a grave offence carrying a maximum of life imprisonment .
22 Thus while first-class patronage was encouraged , and more businessmen complained bitterly that they had to go first-class in order to enjoy their British breakfast , more humble individuals who merely wanted to enjoy the view from the train were not so generously treated .
23 The fault element for attempted murder is therefore high — higher than for murder , under English law , since murder may be committed by someone who merely intended to cause really serious injury and not death .
24 Andrejevs , who hitherto had headed Latvia 's observer delegation to the Council of Europe , spoke of the need to " restore the independence of Latvia and the rights of the indigenous population , while … maintaining the rights of people of other nationalities " .
25 There was a further element to Mr McLean 's rapidly boiling anger : the sudden arrival of Mr Uppal , who hitherto had taken no interest in the case .
26 The appearance of a famous face in the show rooms always caused a stir amongst the girls , who all longed to hook a wealthy husband — and if he had a title , like the Aly Khan , or was a film star like Omar Shariff , then so much the better !
27 My thanks to all of the Area Council Members who all worked to make the event the success that it was , and to Ciaran Ryan , who took time out from a series of meetings to make the presentations .
28 She had been held in high esteem by numerous people who all wanted to pay their respect .
29 After her death , he advertised for a housekeeper with a view to matrimony but unfortunately the first lady who took the job decamped after a few days , taking with her his prized possessions and helped by a male friend who apparently had kept in the background .
30 ‘ Dear , oh , dear , ’ said Betty , who naturally had looked .
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