Example sentences of "her [noun sg] has been " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly her preserve has been violated .
2 As in Sonia 's case , the Home Office have turned down Prakesh 's application to stay in this country , saying her case has been fully considered , despite the fact that she has never been interviewed by any Home Office officials , and despite the fact that there are compassion circumstances to be considered .
3 She withdrew because her case has been taken over by the local authority , her solicitor Alistair Babbington said .
4 How is the teacher to tell that her teaching has been successful ?
5 " She 's just told me her sister has been taken ill and she has to go and look after her .
6 " Her income has been dwindling , " Jenny said , " and then she made some bad investments .
7 Following the menopause , hair texture becomes very coarse and if a woman has a predisposition to genetic hair loss , or her hair has been thinning , this can be a crucial time .
8 Her hair has been admired by everybody who 's seen her .
9 Mrs Tansley says it is over 58 years since she made her debut in opera and she never did any more , though she is well known in villages in the Guisborough area where her talent has been in demand at concerts .
10 She had just heard in Helsinki her brother-in-law has been hauled out of the frozen harbour .
11 ‘ At the moment no visitors , until her condition has been fully assessed .
12 For several days her condition has been described as ‘ poorly but stable ’ .
13 My daughter would not be here if it was not for orthodox medicine but I do believe her condition has been improved by homeopathy . ’
14 No wonder that the answer to the puzzle was AN EXCLUSIVE SCOOP and that is just what her entry has been for Ann Scudder of Dartford , Kent as she is the one to scoop up this fabulous prize .
15 On previous occasions her car has been scratched , the windows broken and tyres slashed .
16 A magistrate who 's on trial for attempting to murder his wife by pumping car exhaust fumes into her bedroom has been explaining why he started her car at three o'clock in the morning .
17 In Virginia Woolf 's To the Lighthouse there is a long passage in which Mrs Ramsay meditates after her child has been put to bed and she is on her own :
18 Her child has been taken from her and killed !
19 A ramp that made it possible for a disabled woman to get in and out of her home has been demolished by the local council .
20 It is through her writings that her influence has been greatest .
21 It can not be claimed that Leapor is the most obscure of these writers ; indeed , her work has been noticed in the past by some very highly regarded poets and critics .
22 The most unsatisfactory aspect of her work has been the 6% budget cut in 1991 , which in 1992 after adding inflation , was at least 10% down on 1990 .
23 For more theoretical work on the marriage relationship and how far marriage is at the root of the oppression of women , readers should refer to the work of Christine Delphy — a French radical feminist — whose work has recently been collected together in Close to Home : a materialist analysis of women 's oppression ( Delphy , 1984 ) ; her work has been directly criticised from a socialist perspective by Michele Barrett and Mary McIntosh ( Barrett and McIntosh , 1979 ) .
24 This idea was the brainchild of Anna Coombes who , in 1988 , took over as gardener ; her work has been carried on and developed by her successor Linda Roberts since the beginning of 1990 .
25 Her work has been very much as ‘ back-room ’ for her husband in his political career , and jointly with him in their shared interests — two books on the church architecture of London and one on Northern Lazio in Italy .
26 In previous years her job has been filled by a preregistration house officer .
27 Lisa Benner — police believe that her body has been washed up on a beach in Kent
28 The wife of one says her husband has been denied proper access to lawyers and medical care .
29 Mrs Clinton has apologised for suggesting in a magazine interview that her husband has been the victim of double standards over claims of adultery .
30 She is loyal to the allies of her husband , however weak a provider her husband has been .
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