Example sentences of "her [noun sg] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Just the one ? ’ he asked easily , taking up her case just as she reached for it .
2 The female eider duck is abandoned by her drake just as soon as she starts incubating the eggs .
3 Rachel found herself watching her sister closely as they all sat and talked .
4 Talking of which , ’ she glanced at her watch just as the phone rang , ‘ I should n't be here . ’
5 Sally , her father 's wife , had advised her on more than one occasion , but Harriet had as little time for stylists as she had for clothes — and besides , she rather liked her hair just as it was .
6 Theda stepped back and caught at the back of her hair just as it came tumbling down over her shoulders .
7 So Isobel has her interview today as well ?
8 She dropped the inch or two down into her seat again as the train began to move .
9 It was a little dark after the strong sunlight , but it was cool , and she sank to her seat thankfully as Felipe stayed at the bar .
10 Without saying anything further , he shifted his enormous shoulders more comfortably against the door-frame as though settled for the rest of the day , and moved his eyes to her mouth almost as though he was waiting for her to speak again , she thought , feeling thoroughly disgruntled .
11 From the adult position it will be clear that he or she was not in fact guilty of anything but that someone in a position of strength and power was taking advantage of his or her vulnerability mentally as well as physically .
12 Clive 's favourite , perfectly serious , leitmotif was : ‘ We 're a top team , are n't we ! ’ until Jane felt she 'd scream if he said it once more , and ordered breakfast in her room so as to avoid him first thing in the morning , at least .
13 She asked him to come to her room so as not to overhear any more , and then they went downstairs in an express lift : a glass-and-gilt beetle that hurtled the twenty-eight floors in nine and a half seconds .
14 She says she enjoys her job tremendously as she can work as and when she wishes .
15 She experimented , twisting her body so as to unwind the air line .
16 Her clothing moulds itself to her body so as to reveal or to promise as much of the delights within as it conceals ; it too includes silk , soft to the touch ( 3235 ) and the fresh warm taste of morning milk ( 3236 ) .
17 Flavia longed to go back and slip into her place just as the soup was brought and hear them telling about Loulou 's day .
18 The light shone on to his upturned face and gleamed on the burnished flanks of the mare who blew through her nose impatiently as though to ask what they were waiting for .
19 Before she had time to recover from the shock of that remark , the phone rang , making her jump violently as her raw nerves reacted to the sudden sound .
20 She held out her hand , palm upwards now , and moved her head slowly as she looked at Aggie as if she were talking to a friend who would understand that a cousin of hers had not married beneath her .
21 She shook her head desperately as the man 's angry words rained down on her .
22 She tugged at the sides of the hammock and hooked her head forward as she whispered to Ariel , who was standing away from her , the moss she had been using dripping water on to the dust .
23 His hand came hard and warm to her nape , tilting her head forward as he sat beside her .
24 She knew that in a couple of days ' time Boyd 's promotion would be announced by his company in the newspaper , underneath a studio portrait of him , and she held her head high as she swayed gracefully into the living-room .
25 She too held her head high as they announced the fight and played the national anthems .
26 She held her head high as they walked slowly , paused , turned and walked back again .
27 The memory gave her confidence , and , savouring it , she held her head high as she spoke to Silas with quiet dignity .
28 The girl yawned and rubbed the back of her head just as the wind of Jezrael 's exit ruffled the yellow curls .
29 Fabia tried to get her head together as Ven drove away from Karlovy Vary .
30 She shook her head gently as William gunned the machine 's engine again .
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