Example sentences of "make by the [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Bias in the fabric allows ripstop to stretch more along the diagonals of the square patterns made by the slightly heavier threads .
2 The writ was issued two years ago following remarks made by the then BBC Cricket Correspondent during a BBC World Service broadcast at the time of the Fourth Test between England and the West Indies .
3 The proposals made by the then DHSS for the rest of the social security system , including social assistance , were not deferred .
4 Montagu was a serious and talented , although not publicly charismatic Liberal politician , who chose to seek his pleasure and friends in a close-knit coterie whose speciality was ‘ in ’ jokes , to which some contribution was made by the more sophisticated aspect of pre-1914 ( and indeed pre-1939 ) English upper-class anti-semitism .
5 Yet these were minor victories compared to the more sweeping demands for reform made by the more radical Whigs which did not find their way into the Declaration .
6 If my view that a doctor incurs no liability if he ignores the request to discontinue treatment made by the mentally unfit and minor is correct , it does not of course follow that he would also be free from liability if he complied with their requests .
7 Policy would focus on economic efficiency , there would be explicit rules and guidelines ( including exemptions from the rules ) , there would be a relatively unified set of competition-policy institutions ( a strengthened OFT , and a reformed MMC to act as a tribunal to review the analysis and proposals for fines or remedies made by the OFT ) , and there would be penalties for abuses .
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