Example sentences of "make it look [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Have you made it look nice !
2 In particular , the weakness of the US dollar has made it look cheap on a comparison of purchasing power .
3 Torvill and Dean have always made it look easy .
4 Now , we can dress it up , we can beautify it , we can make it look pretty , we can make it look respectable , but it , we 're still sinful flesh , at the end of the day !
5 It 'll make it look shinier , too .
6 mm er yeah they should be done by Friday I should think cos if all they 're doing is putting a coping edge on it 'll make it look nicer at the back .
7 And it 'll save that corner , it 'll make it look nice .
8 he used an illustration of the pig , you know you can polish the pig up , you can clean it , you can scrub it , you can oh de cologne it , you can do all sorts of things with it , you can tie a nice pink ribbon around it and you can put it in a palace , but it 's still a pig and it lives like a pig and you can cl and no matter how clean you 've made it , it 'll soon find some dirt to wallow in and the ribbon might make it look nice in the show ground but it does n't make any difference to its nature and so it is with us and so Jesus did n't start on the outside , but he starts at the inside he deals with the route of the problem , in One Corinthians chapter fifteen and in verse three it says for I deliver to you as a first importance , this is the basic thing , he says to them this was the first thing that I said to you because it was the most important that Christ died for our sins , according to the scripture , what ever else Christ gives to us , what ever else he does for us , what ever else the gospel produces , the basic , the most important , the fundamental thing is that Christ died for our sins .
9 Burton soared : he made it look effortless , and he put no one down in the process .
10 Millwall on the other hand made it look all to easy … their sub Verveeay was a yard too quick for the Oxford defence … and his shot was spot on …
11 Two ageing rock stars in front made it look easy and Hebbert was fooled .
12 Yesterday they chalked up their third win of the season … they made it look easy , the score thirty points to two … already the Oxfordshire American footballers are on target for making the National League playoffs .
13 Except that her figure made it look good anyway .
14 but black the orange light 's shining on the red button made it look black .
15 One possible explanation for China 's changed attitude is that previous protests only gave the Dalai publicity and made it look silly .
16 The road was bendy and twisty forming which made it look beautiful .
17 ‘ He taught me how to tie a package with very little twine and very little paper and still make it look nice , ’ Walton later recalled .
18 They make it look NICE .
19 make it look simpler than that .
20 all , everything that would be in involved and er but buts a lot of the , what we did was , you know , erm just how you would er ta erm how you would try and start there and and decorate a place and make it look better which again , is part of your environment
21 You have to get letter heads printed , make it look good , have a fake box number .
22 Well it 's just brought out a budget to paper over a few cracks and make it look good because they knew that , they 've got no more chances this is it in n it ?
23 Christ God dealt with the problem which spoiled his image in us and he has to do it because of fundamental thing , he 's got ta do it from the centre , you know you can get an apple , an ordinary apple and you can polish it up and you can have it so that it 's bright and glistening and the red is almost you know it , it , it , it almost dazzles you the shining on it , it 's got a real good polish on the skin , but inside , there 's a grub , and all the polishing in the world does n't get rid of the grub , and you see that 's so often what we do , we polish and polish away on the outside , that 's gon na make us better but it 's only skin deep because inside the grub is having a field day , he 's having a party of all party 's , he 's got an whole apple to himself and the grub of sin in your life and in my life is having , has a field day and we polish the outside and we try and make it look good and we be we become presentable and there like the apple on the market stall it looks good , it looks tremendous until you take a bite out of it and you see in the bit that you 've bitten there 's a , there 's a hole going through and you wonder where the grub is , is it in the bit that 's left or in the bit that you 've eaten and this is just like sin you see in our lives and so God in Christ he did n't deal with the outside bit , he did n't bother trying to make our conditions better , he did n't bother trying to work on the outside , that 's the difference between the gospel and social work and there 's nothing wrong with social work , it 's just that it 's going , it 's coming from the wrong end , it starts on the outside , it will educate people if we give them better housing , if we give them better circumstances , if we give them better wages , now all these things are right and that we should have them , but that does n't make any difference , you see , the person is a sinner , all he becomes if you educate him is an educated sinner , if you give him a huge pay rise all he becomes is a rich sinner , if you put him in a palace all he becomes is er a sinner living in a palace , it does n't make any basic difference to the person .
24 Make it look good .
25 . Erm she could make plenty of improvements , make it look nicer , more organised better rooms the people are okay , but that 's the only good thing about college is meeting people .
26 Do n't over-do it with styling products — the alcohol in them can make your hair dry and if allowed to build up , make it look dull .
27 Cross it over , round the back , and back up to the front again , do a reef knot here and tuck your ends in straight away of course like so and then this little bit can just be tucked up where you 've crossed the two ends and make it look neater with no ends hanging out , no that , all that does is keep the dressing secure , keep infection out , okay ?
28 This picture frame moulding came complete with all the scratches , dents and marks that make it look old , although it was in fact new .
29 ‘ Bring out ’ deep-set eyes with a paler shadow — obviously darker tints will tend to shade the eye and make it look deeper .
30 They make it look natural .
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