Example sentences of "make it [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But he 'd made it swallow a hook beforehand — ( Serafine opens her mouth and wiggles her little finger inside , and both Xanthe and Miranda squirm at the sight of her soft tongue , imagining the laceration , the capture. ) — And this little hook 's at the end of a thread , and the thread 's attached to a trapeze of sticks hanging above .
2 The recession has made it take a hard look at the cost of law and at the attitude of big London firms that it 's used for more than fifty years .
3 Almost without exception , if any comment is made it includes a reference to the immense improvement in the health and manners of the children and to their gains in weight …
4 Some surfaces can make it bobble a bit , though not enough to put you off .
5 Some women ca n't make it last the week so theirs is kept in the office .
6 It will make it look a bit too urban , ’ said Hazel Wilson .
7 But does this make it play a less significant role in overcoming his problem ?
8 oh it made it made a nice change .
9 We made it round the side of the house , unlocked the back door and got into the street behind .
10 He got a little overtime and he made it go a long way .
11 All were matted with puffs of trees ; the bright thread of a waterfall was laid over one , a snail 's silver trail ; and one was crossed by a great rift that made it appear a giant 's helter-skelter .
12 But on the contrary Willie made it seem a prop of the work , like ripe thighs in a chorus girl or the swivel eye of Ben Turpin .
13 It was a standard opening — the kind of play that made no real difference to the final outcome — yet somehow the boy made it seem a challenge .
14 He made it seem an aeon .
15 This loss of influence made it fear the nationalists more .
16 The accent made it sound a strange new game .
17 Mrs Geary made it sound a quite unorthodox request .
18 When sitting astride a conveyance that prefers hay to unleaded , you should remember that John Wayne made it look a lot easier than it is .
19 That fat kid from the Double Deckers who played the tuba and made it look the size of a bag of crisps … what is he up to now ?
20 What do you mean I made it like a brick ?
21 ‘ He hath unpacked his carriage and made it run a mile or two up and down in River 's great room , making it carry the fire shovel , tongs and poker .
22 Worse still is when Weller attempts to remotivate the sound of Saturday Nite , make it bear the burden of his meaning well .
23 You can not yoke the dragonfly and make it drive the corn-mill .
24 I can evoke the wind at will and make it rustle the stiff papery blades of the bamboos and sing , through the comb-like leaves of the yew , as a worthy accompaniment to the voice that on that day and on all other days , even to the final silence , spoke words that had always the same meaning .
25 If you can spot a possibility and make it work the result can be exciting , and do n't be afraid to use your sense of form , colour and originality .
26 Its brightly coloured bill and large head make it seem a bit top heavy and the small black tail looks out of place in comparison to the bulky body .
27 He can kiss a strange baby and make it look the most natural thing in the world — another skill some of his younger and brighter rivals do not find easy .
28 EMF make it sound a hell on Earth .
29 ‘ He hath unpacked his carriage and made it run a mile or two up and down in River 's great room , making it carry the fire shovel , tongs and poker .
30 I entered one full of nuns , their winged white coifs illuminating the dim interior , making it like a candle-lit church .
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