Example sentences of "make way for a " in BNC.

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1 The old thatched tythe barn which stood end on to Silver Lane just below Manor Farm has now made way for a clutch of modern houses .
2 It was not until the First World War that the last vestiges of the Habsburg , Ottoman and Romanov empires finally crumbled , making way for a tier of nation states which lay across the map of Europe from the Baltic to the Aegean .
3 Will he now do something about it by calling a general election and making way for a Labour Government committed to ridding this country of the Tory scourge of homelessness ?
4 The earlier version of English at Nottingham as " elegant dabbling in belles-lettres " stiffened by Anglo Saxon and philology , now made way for a more Leavisian model : " My conception of what a School of English should be was considerably clarified by my reading of Dr. Leavis " notable essay entitled " A Sketch for an English School " in his Education and the University . "
5 The whole lot was to come down and make way for a million square feet of office space , and the company developing the site had held a competition to find a master-planner .
6 Your alloted space in purgatory is reserved the moment you decide , for whatever reason , that a bottle of excellent but inexpensive champagne ( Safeway £7.49 ) must make way for a grander counterpart like Bollinger ‘ 83 ( Sainsbury 's £20.45 ) or , if the devil has really got to you , Dom Perignon ‘ 82 ( £44.99 at Tesco ) .
7 If Chamberlain really wanted to do that he should resign and make way for a government of genuine anti-appeasers .
8 We may now hope that , with the rebirth of our own mythology from music , the abstractions and the shallow optimism that have degraded the German genius for so long will make way for a new strength and joyful seriousness .
9 So Oxford 's Lord Mayor was the first to wield the demolition hammer to help make way for a new business park .
10 ‘ Sometimes one of the oldies will shout , ‘ Make way for a blind pensioner ’ , and we 'll let them take a wave , ’ the younger surfers laugh .
11 Make way for a poor blind man . ’
12 Sections on Calligraphy , Illustration , Typography and Book Design make way for a commercial break which introduces us to 28 first editions of Penguin paperbacks .
13 Given the propensity of many modern breweries and their designers to impose an overall , single-period ‘ look ’ , however , the Georgian fabric that does exist is often the first thing to be swept away — to make way for a sham-Victorian world of clumsy stained glass and ugly stained hardwood .
14 The protest campaign was sparked by a council decision earlier this year to fell the trees — 10 beech , one scots pine and one yew — to make way for a road improvement scheme said to be needed for a new supermarket .
15 At the age of 76 and realising that the lifetime of the next Parliament would take him into his eighties , he has decided to make way for a younger man .
16 Krenz 's programme of measures may have to make way for a more revolutionary alternative — and Krenz too .
17 By this time the tiny west wing of the villa had been removed to make way for a gigantic conservatory , which has since disappeared .
18 A COUNCIL 'S attempt to sell playing fields to make way for a supermarket was blocked in the High Court yesterday .
19 Once the church had a beautiful Gothic façade , but during renovation work on the Palazzo Reale in 1770 this was demolished to make way for a new main staircase .
20 At the time , part of the mill was demolished to make way for a new road , some of the remainder being converted to shops .
21 The health authority wished to demolish this very attractive group of buildings dating from 1838 to make way for a car-park .
22 It was demolished in a hurry one night in 1983 to make way for a McDonalds .
23 The Tolson Memorial Museum is in Ravensknowle Park , where some parts of the town 's eighteenth-century Cloth Hall have been re-erected , after the historic building 's demolition in 1930 to make way for a cinema the local product was displaced by fantasies woven in Hollywood .
24 ‘ This , ’ said Allen , ‘ was the case of my mother , for , my father dying , we were turned out of our homestead in the Dale to make way for a nephew of a new steward . ’
25 There is a plan to clear the site to make way for a spanking new conference centre .
26 An overcrowded hostel was naturally keen to dispose of its more mature residents to make way for a fresh intake , while the foster parent was , by definition , a temporary parent offering short-term security against long-term uncertainty .
27 A 40-FOOT Blue Cedar tree in Liss is enjoying a change of scenery after it was moved to save it from being felled to make way for a new garage .
28 But if the kid from Cardiff is n't too happy at his shunt to starboard — to make way for a revitalised Sharpe — the twin source of young skills looked a devastating force in the victories against both Oldham and Arsenal .
29 The old terraced houses are being demolished to make way for a new shopping centre .
30 GREEN demonstrators wept yesterday as trees were torn down to make way for a giant Tesco 's .
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