Example sentences of "make in [art] first " in BNC.

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1 But how do you find out about whether a planning application has been made in the first place ?
2 In Mary 's reign , between 1542 and 1574 , when the civil war which followed her deposition was finally over , there were twenty-five large-scale bonds involving groups of people , five of which were made in the first six years of the minority , as well as the thirty-six individual bonds made mainly for political purposes by Arran and Mary of Guise , and the two by Beaton which , in view of the comment by John Knox about the extensive number of his bonds , can only be a small proportion of the total .
3 It 's just difficult to know why the final decision was changed and where it was made in the first place .
4 probably made in the first century BC , from Alexandria .
5 Enquiries should be made in the first instance to the Academic Registrar .
6 The most powerful potential weapon in Parliament 's hands remains its control over clauses enabling regulations to be made in the first place .
7 The rate of progress made in the first 20 years was only achieved by the geologists being in the field most of the year .
8 Whatever one thinks of his comparisons , there is no difficulty in conceding in principle that physicists breaking with Newtonian concepts would be struggling to unlearn distinctions and assimilations which other cultures will never have made in the first place , so that the fundamentally different conceptualizations even of a pre-literate culture might illuminate him .
9 Devitrification is almost universal in ancient glasses which were usually badly made in the first place and have had plenty of time to crystallize ; the result , however is , often very beautiful , though these old glasses have become very weak .
10 We apologise both to Dr. Langellier and to readers ; and summarise here some of the points made in the first article , for clarity 's sake .
11 By the early sixties … it was clear that neither the efforts made in the first post-war decade nor the developments outlined in Mr Butler 's White Paper were reducing — or were likely to reduce — the volume of crime or the numbers of persistent offenders .
12 Table 7.1 thus also supports the contention made in the first half hour of this chapter that short-term contract workers in the service sector are mainly " voluntary " temporary workers .
13 The decision should be made in the first instance as if it were easy to be made .
14 The principal point made in the first discussion paper on Finance is that the United Kingdom in 1973/74 contributed £313 million towards the support of Northern Ireland services , the equivalent of £200 per annum per head of the population .
15 The suggestion of a ‘ social contract ’ between States had already been made in the first half of the seventeenth century by Grotius .
16 After all , our licence fee got the programmes made in the first place
17 Contact is made in the first instance with the manager nominated by the vendor 's representative .
18 This was clearly illustrated by official reaction to the charge , made in the first months of the war , that the revelations of head lice , impetigo , scabies and general uncleanliness were proof that the school medical service had serious deficiencies : clearly , such conditions had been markedly under-recorded in medical inspections before the war .
19 A distinction was made in the first chapter between three types of risk , objective , estimated and subjective , and the assumption was made that subjective risk is closely related to the concept of arousal as it has been used in much memory research .
20 Firstly , how did this extraordinary mistake came to be made in the first instance by the Department of Transport .
21 But once some set of rules has been established in this way , we might well think it more important that these rules be publicly regarded as settled , so that people can plan accordingly , than that they be the best rules that could have been found ; this provides a reason why courts should leave the rule untouched even when they think the wrong choice was made in the first instance . "
22 Sorry , would there be any exceptional stock provisions that were released , made in the first half , released into the second half for example ?
23 The tackle he made in the first few minutes when Giggs was straight through on Beeny must be enough to get him Young Player of the Year .
24 I refer to the rapid decline of the use of walnut in English furniture making in the first half of the 18th century .
25 It 's a lot of money Well this is that Ian was making in the first place is n't it , product actually
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