Example sentences of "make a new [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Its director , David Briar has seen how the farmers have made a new beginning .
2 To overcome this , Hoechst has made a new backing from recycled PVC .
3 Davidson , who had previously been married for a total of less than five years to three different wives , said after falling for Tracie that she had made a new man of him .
4 By 1978 , their father had made a new life in Beirut where he met and married Gail , a nurse .
5 She had made a new life for herself now in London , a better , much more successful life than Dublin .
6 ‘ If you 've made a new life for yourself , what are you doing here ? ’ she challenged .
7 Indeed , it was explicit in its judgment that the Public Order Act had made a new offence of prison riot unnecessary .
8 These are the same bulbs though that have made a new flower this year .
9 Finally sport : Oxford United have made a new signing this afternoon ; Jim Magilton has joined from Liverpool for a hundred thousand pounds .
10 I remember before that the wind changed pretty suddenly from southwest to nearer west I think and I 'd made a new hen house I thought indestructible .
11 Plutarch reports in the Quaestiones Conviviales ( IV , Proemium ) one of the pieces of advice which Polybius was supposed to have given to Scipio after he took charge of him : " Never return from the Forum until you have made a new friend of one of your fellow citizens . "
12 Then we have made a new start . ’
13 Since then I 've made a new start . ’
14 I 've made a new term planner actually but I 've forgotten to bring it .
15 Having made a new table to replace a rather unsteady card table , there being no local shop which sold green baize , I opted for green Heuga carpet tiles .
16 It is only that I feel I may make a new friend and be rewarded with company .
17 CHAIN-SMOKING actor Mel Gibson will make a New Year resolution to kick the habit — for the 10th year running .
18 The complexity of the Sun , IBM and Motorola designs can also slow time-to-market : a six-month slip , such as Sun had with the SuperSparc , can make a new CPU suddenly uncompetitive .
19 The complexity of the Sun , IBM and Motorola designs can also negatively impact time-to-market : a six-month slip , such as Sun had with the SuperSparc , can make a new CPU suddenly uncompetitive .
20 I can not will the disappointment of my highest hope , in the expectation that the catastrophe will make a new man of me , because it is no catastrophe unless I am fully committed to the hope .
21 Perhaps they could make a new life there together .
22 I 've promised him that I will make a new life for myself and not think of the past .
23 You should make a new will as soon as you marry .
24 It is only through a living faith in God that we can make a new start in our emotional life with each other .
25 ‘ I thought we really would make a new start , that I would sort of … make him blossom . ’
26 The days are coming , says the Lord , When I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel …
27 Nevertheless , I would predict that we will see Ray 's name in the records books before long , though , perhaps not until he turns the grand old age of 60 in another three or four years and can make a new charge up the age-group ladder .
28 Emily 's gon na make a new game are n't you ?
29 We could n't make a new book collection there : that would be absurd .
30 He is an adorable person , and as he is still young we all hope that he will make a new career now .
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