Example sentences of "make time for [art] " in BNC.

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1 When she occasionally visited him in London or Stuttgart , she always found him busy , although he would certainly have made time for a new lover , and he did put himself out to entertain his cousin Petrie who , with his wife , turned up unexpectedly in Stuttgart during a travelling holiday .
2 But on his last full campaigning day in Monklands East , a depressed part of west central Scotland badly hit by the collapse of traditional industries , he was making time for the locals he has represented — with a boundary change — since 1970 .
3 Realistically , though , there was little prospect of the government 's making time for the introduction of such a provision , and in any event , the government has decided ‘ after very careful examination of the issues , that legislative action would not be appropriate ’ .
4 The Government must then make time for the resolution to be discussed although , as the Government has a majority and can normally force its measures through , it is unusual for such resolutions to be unsuccessful .
5 If the manager lacks the chance to engage in a fully collegial approach , if he or she can only find or make time for the essential step of ingesting or thinking new ideas in an atmosphere of enforced professional seclusion , does this obscure his or her clarity of mind ?
6 Throughout the month they endeavour to pray and read the scripture regularly and make time for a ‘ sit down ’ — an occasion to have meaningful conversation — which should be an important part of married life .
7 Throughout the month , they endeavour to pray and read the scripture regularly and make time for a ‘ sit down ’ an occasion to have meaningful conversation — which should be an important part of married life .
8 For individuals , it took immense determination , on the part of an Ada Nield Chew or Hannah Mitchell , for example , to change the pattern of their lives and make time for the political work they held dear .
9 ‘ But , ha ! ha ! able to make time for a dance , ’ Herr Hocher said .
10 When I went to the DHSS I vowed to make time for a serious investigation into company pensions .
11 The Waltham Forest CHC not only was in disagreement with Mezey but also questioned the length of time it had taken the RHA to make time for a discussion of the report ( one year ) .
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