Example sentences of "her [noun] during the " in BNC.

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1 She had bathed and washed her hair during the evening before her admission to hospital .
2 An article based on interviews with Betty Sinclair shortly before her death in 1981 discussed her attitudes during the early months of NICRA :
3 In the most recent annual report of the Commissioner , which reports on her activities during the period 1 April 1991 to 31 March 1992 , it can be seen that the Commissioner received 345 enquiries and 64 formal applications for assistance .
4 Her sister 's disappearance six years ago had not gone through her mind during the ordeal .
5 The idea of doing some private nursing , then perhaps travelling for a while , had stayed in the back of her mind during the days since that disastrous exchange with Deana in the cafeteria , and a small voice kept saying inside her , ‘ Perhaps you should .
6 Janie 's distraught mother Angela Darling explained what had been going through her mind during the case :
7 Raine wielded her overwhelming charm on both father and son , effecting something of a reconciliation between Earl Spencer and her lover during the Earl 's final years .
8 Imagine a witness in a court case is asked to tell the court about her movements during the morning .
9 I 'm getting so I ask my wife to account for her movements during the time the butler was killed . ’
10 In England , James Robertson ( 1953 , 1958 ) , a colleague of Bowlby 's at the Tavistock Clinic , started a campaign to persuade children 's hospital wards to admit mothers together with their children , or at least not to restrict visiting in any way ; some hospitals welcomed the idea , others resisted it , but meanwhile a Government committee was set up which in 1959 published the ‘ Platt Report ’ on the welfare of children in hospital , recommending ‘ that all hospitals where children are treated will adopt the practice of unrestricted visiting , particularly for children below school age ’ , that ‘ it is particularly valuable for the mother to be able to stay in hospital with her child during the first day or two ’ , and that ‘ children should not be admitted to hospital if it can possibly be avoided ’ .
11 And if a Palestinian Arab fled his or her home during the 1948 fighting for an area controlled by Arab forces — even though the individual did not in any way participate in the war — Israeli law effectively deprived the owners of their homes and lands .
12 As they talked about the war years and about what the future might hold for them both , Julia found herself liking Felicity more and more , although she was astonished at the freedom with which Felicity was prepared to confide in her about everything except her work during the war .
13 Completely new to the Company , I know that I have a lot to learn and I 'd particularly like to thank for her help during the changeover .
14 Mary herself was moved to the island stronghold of Inchmahome , west of Stirling , for her safety during the Pinkie campaign .
15 And now actress Sharon Stone is pulling back the sheets on her sexploits during the filming of the raunchy movies that have made her famous .
16 Although an unhappy liaison with Rodin consumed much of her attention during the next several years , she did produce many drawings , among them most of her famous cat studies , and at least a dozen paintings .
17 THE wife of the rapist doctor stoutly defended her husband during the trial .
18 Mrs Bason has issued all the tickets from her station during the past 25 years , during which time she has had no assistance whatever .
19 She 'd obviously hit her head during the impact because there was a small trickle of blood on her forehead .
20 She received a blow to the back of her head during the assault and died two days later .
21 That was where Luch silently led Marion Maclean , slowly recovering from her shock during the four-mile walk .
22 LABOUR MP Glenda Jackson was at the centre of a political row last night after it was discovered that forged proxy votes were used in her constituency during the General Election .
23 The result of social and cognitive tests administered to the children between the ages of one and three obliged the authors to conclude that their data provided ‘ little or no support for the notion that how a mother interacts with her baby during the baby 's first few months of life has any particular consequences for later social or cognitive development ’ .
24 The other women often talked about young men they knew , and one of them had been taking a young man back to her flat during the evenings .
25 It was going to be important not to arouse her suspicions during the planning stages .
26 The employee 's Union will represent his or her interests during the progress of the claim .
27 So that she 'd be be she 'd be doing her baking during the day while we were at school .
28 On Friday , Paula , whose writing emphasises the sound of language , demonstrated how she uses electronic technology to project and enhance her voice during the performance of her work .
29 ‘ Those bruises were caused by her assailant gripping her arms during the attack . ’
30 Helen , however , was still imprisoned in the fears and longings that had marked her life during the first years of puberty and was obsessed with the idea that she would never marry and have children .
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