Example sentences of "her [noun] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Critics have sniped that the dividing line between the political and the profit motive has never been too sharply defined on Hamnett 's agenda , a feeling provoked by such off-the-cuff comments as her enthusiasm for an idea that will ‘ make me rich and wo n't hurt animals ’ .
2 Since the late 1940s the Queen Mother had been the darling of National Hunt racing : it was largely her enthusiasm for the sport that raised its status from that of a poor relation to the Flat to , by the mid-1950s , a position of near equality — in popularity if not in the prize money available .
3 Hilton warns her not to skimp these obligatory verbal prayers in her enthusiasm for the new contemplation .
4 But I 'll do it ! she told herself , her enthusiasm for the task growing with every stroke of her charcoal pencil .
5 Her enthusiasm for the social programme is astonishing .
6 Although Mrs Robinson was genuine in her sympathy for the anonymity her daughter strove for , she was Mary 's proudest admirer .
7 Her case for the defence is notably restrained , unlike her treatment of the same subject in Dickon , a play published posthumously in 1953 .
8 The small shock of surprise disturbed her judgement for a moment , and the awareness of feeling and looking disconcerted inclined her to resent him , and to look for and find impudence in an approach which would have seemed perfectly excusable in a resident scholar .
9 After a while , sitting in the car , we saw her stand for a few minutes first on one of the Howes , then on another , still and with arms raised .
10 Some similar process in Ursula presumably explained her willingness for the first time to discuss arrangements for the funeral , which they agreed should be held as soon as possible .
11 By accepting the jurisdiction of an external authority in domestic matters , the UK in effect converted her responsibility for the external relations of the Isle of Man into a total responsibility for its internal affairs , and abrogated by a sidewind the semi-independence of the Islands , which are under the Crown but not part of the United Kingdom .
12 Should the plan be discovered and Alianor be seen as party to the clandestine meeting , she could well find herself in danger , accused of shelving her responsibility for the lady Anne 's protection and honour …
13 Denise Harriman , the senator 's aide , uttered a barely audible sigh which I translated as an expression of relief that her responsibility for the twins was ending .
14 Her projects for the second half of her six-year term of office include activities at Nuremberg 's large Schlachthof , a children 's art centre and a book programme for TV .
15 A woman shows her support for the South West Africa People 's Organisation ( Swapo ) at an election rally in Windhoek .
16 Putting aside his choice of partner , the lady who publicly declared her support for the barbaric practice of ‘ necklacing ’ those who step out of line , there is his friendship with Col Gaddafi , who is said to have paid the bill for the ANC leader 's recent tour of North Africa , as well as contributing $135,000 to Mrs Mandela 's defence .
17 Sylvia Hayes , an artist who had spent some time painting in Orkney , came from Oxford to show her support for the four families .
18 Trish voiced her support for the vice-presidential campaign of Gerlandine Ferraro .
19 In fact she went out of her way to show her support for the people who had contributed to it .
20 She had recently changed her mind and in a moving and closely argued speech declared her support for the combined system .
21 President Corazon Aquino announced on Jan. 25 her support for the candidacy of Fidel Ramos , her former Defence Secretary , in the presidential elections due to be held on May 11 , 1992 .
22 Diana asked her sister for a lift to London .
23 She had come to visit her sister for the third year running and , as on the three previous occasions , hoped to stay for a month .
24 The old lady clutched at her chest for a moment , and Lina took a step forward , but Mrs Richards waved her away .
25 Jezrael leaped at the man in a balletic kick , somersaulting as the back of his neck snagged her foot for a second .
26 She wandered through to the kitchen to get her bag , and checked through her notes for the name and address of the Rose Bowl 's usual wholesaler .
27 Andrew Jean , her lieutenant for the past two years , was a few yards away , skin in shreds , orange beehive hairdo picked to pieces .
28 At first our association was concerned with her scripts for the CBC broadcasts , and I found her most amenable to work with .
29 Sheldukher stared down at her suddenly , as if registering her presence for the first time .
30 Belinda Jones , ’ the owner of the name said simply , and waited while Dr Russell 's sister seemed to fully take in her presence for the first time .
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