Example sentences of "make [pn reflx] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If we make ourselves the bar , if we suggest that self-determination is the right of every people on earth but the Germans , we risk creating resentments in Germany which could be quite as destabilising to the European order as reunification .
2 By adopting the Waste Land theme , Eliot made himself the performer of the latest enactment of a repeated rite , just as in his poem clerk and typist ( like the earlier Burbank and Volupine ) enact their own sexual ritual .
3 He made himself the centre for information during the Red Raids that followed , brutal nights when civil liberties were swept aside .
4 Gazza said : ‘ Some of what he did might have been wrong but I respect the fact that Maradona made himself the player Napoli could n't do without when he was in Italy .
5 Had I proposed to keep working until the hotel was a hotbed of gossip , and leave only when I 'd made myself the centre of a tasty little scandal ?
6 Mungall responded by making himself the engine which drove Tranmere 's counter attacks and pulled against the weight of Leicester 's pressure .
7 The United States government has the power , not only to compel the European governments to make peace , but also to reassure the populations by making itself the guarantor of the peace .
8 The people who created it made themselves the masters of the Greek-speaking world within two centuries .
9 The Nazis made themselves the beneficiaries .
10 Monitor evaluator , they can usually make themselves the pest of the group because everybody thinks they 're so bloody negative .
11 I made myself the timetable you know .
12 Before he succeeded Balfour then , Law was not associated with any of the features that were to characterize his party leadership ; his contribution was to use the leadership in the service of all of these causes , to make himself the spokesman for the most spirited sections of the party .
13 FOUR YEARS ago , Wirral plucked up the courage to make itself the centre of the finger-pickin' universe .
14 At St Martin 's School of Art , where they 'd met three years previously , they had already decided to make themselves the subject of their art .
15 On 17 July 1559 , the answer was a scolding letter from her husband the king of France to lord James , marvelling that he , who ‘ has the honour to be so near the Queen 's Grace , my wife … should be so forgetful as to make yourself the head … of the tumults and seditions ’ ; only six days later did the queen get round to sending a similarly plaintive message herself .
16 You are to make yourself the master of a particular sub-topic or sub-sub-topic rather than prepare for the year 's examination in the whole subject .
17 Your immediate concern is how to make yourself the candidate most likely to succeed !
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