Example sentences of "make [adv prt] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Well , note first of all that the various gases that are thought to have made up the early atmosphere contain most of the main elements that are known to be essential to life : carbon , nitrogen , sulphur , hydrogen , and oxygen — though the oxygen was not ‘ free ’ , but was combined for example with carbon in carbon monoxide .
2 But still , the great majority of posts are held by the sort of steady chaps who have always made up the Great and Good .
3 The shock can have a sudden and lasting effect ; the woman 's energy is no longer channelled into her appearance , and it seems as if she has made up the extra ten years , and more , all at once .
4 Following the elections to the Basque parliament on Oct. 28 , 1990 , the formation of a new regional government had been delayed for three months due to the breakdown of talks between the two parties which had made up the previous governing coalition — the Basque Nationalist Party ( PNV ) , which had emerged as the largest single party , with 22 seats , and the Basque Socialist Party ( PSE-PSOE ) which had been beaten into second place .
5 He turned back to the glaring headlights and dimly made out the terrified eyes of the drivers and their passengers .
6 Bidwell believes that a group of about 50 consultancies will make up the final membership .
7 ln this case , the attributes ‘ name ’ and part' will make up the composite key of the ORDER relation .
8 This contains the pattern of dots that , when printed on paper , will make up the actual character .
9 Thus , wherever one looks , one finds people engaged in the construction of the blocks that will make up the Palestinian state .
10 When he saw the saxaphone he told his father about it and his father said that if he could save half the money , he would make up the other half . ’
11 Mono-unsaturates ( MUFAs ) should make up the largest proportion of fats consumed .
12 When the Windsor herd arrives in late July they will make up the largest group of African elephants in the country .
13 But MDHC is optimistic it will make up the lost revenue by increased levels of freight .
14 Nevertheless if the patient is mentally and emotionally unaffected but has , for example , a pain somewhere , then the details of the pain will make up the whole case , or ‘ totality ’ as it is called , for which a similar remedy must be found .
15 You can see that I am representing any vector V as a superposition of two standard vectors 1 and 2 , with coefficients ( as we say ) given by the numbers unc and unc [ For the modern mathematician these numbers would make up the ordered pair (
16 Headline is enjoying this lovely writer , but it is his Cornish sagas we are waiting for , which I am told will make up the next book .
17 The four legs and four rails that will make up the seat-jointing section are cut oversize so that they can be cut in half .
18 Two author studies made up the highest proportion of articles in both journals .
19 In what seems like a big complement on our powers of imagination , Unix System Laboratories chief Roel Pieper and Chuck Reilly , vice president of operations at the Open Software Foundation have been re-writing history , claiming at Utrecht a few weeks back that the press made up the entire Unix Wars all by themselves : ‘ they never happened ’ pleaded Rielly , who did n't join OSF until 1989 , after some of the worst was over .
20 Though delighting to read in Blackwood 's of the exploits of imperial heroes , the educated British public showed little personal inclination for service in the assorted white men 's graves which made up the tropical dependencies .
21 Both were compatible with the republican-radical ideals which made up the official ideology of the Third Republic and which in 1880 meant in the main a deep distrust of Russia , the oppressor of the Poles .
22 Most of the Poles who went to Russia in the belief that this would help to restore their country 's independent existence never returned : of the 82,000 Poles who made up the Grand Armée 's V Corps , only 2,300 survived the retreat from Moscow .
23 Part of this culture was a certain distinction between what made up the sacred and what made up the profane spheres .
24 However , such was A Smooth One 's superiority that she quickly made up the lost ground to score by four lengths .
25 Europe itself made up the greater part of what Europeans regarded as the known world .
26 They passed Scotland Yard ; Westminster Abbey came into sight ; the tower of St Margaret 's and the roofs , turrets and gables , shop-dwellings , houses and taverns , which made up the small city of Westminster .
27 Clearly some rulers and ministers were being affected in the second half of the century by the complex and often conflicting currents which made up the great intellectual movement of the Enlightenment ( see Chap .
28 Reaction to pre-sumed threats to liberty and freedom , as well as a long-standing tendency to support the " victims " of government , made up the political dimension of London crowd action .
29 Sixteen races made up the 1986 championship .
30 His wares made up the largest individual parcel in a massive consignment of plate exported to the Tsarina Anna in 1726 , much of which again had paid no duty .
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