Example sentences of "make [adv prt] [art] first " in BNC.

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1 Seven races made up the first championship and the first was run at Silverstone on Saturday , 13 May 1950 .
2 Seven races made up the first championship and that number has fluctuated over the years .
3 Tutorials make up the first two days , followed by the main conference and associated exhibition .
4 To her right , as her eyes adjusted to the faint lifting of the darkness , she could just make out the first steps of the spiral tower staircase .
5 A feeling of warm-up is definitely in the air ; a flexing of muscles that have not been stretched in public for some time makes up the first few minutes of Faust 's extraordinary set … and then all hell breaks loose !
6 One of the " movements " in the suite which makes up the first act of Wozzeck is , it may be recalled , a passacaglia , that is , a set of variations on a ground bass .
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