Example sentences of "make [pron] [vb infin] [det] " in BNC.

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1 But soon he discovered that politicians were more interesting than colonels so he arranged his soldiers as though they were the House of Commons and made them harangue each other .
2 Acquiring the products to be exported from India was not so simple ; the Company directors had to put down the ‘ investment ’ , mostly in silver bullion though public pressure made them include some English products as well , and had to finance a good deal of the running costs of the textile production that they were encouraging .
3 It shows that about three-quarters of the male respondents replied that the tax system had no influence on their work effort , 15 per cent replied that it made them work more and 11 per cent that it made them work less .
4 Married men with children were the group most likely to reply that taxation made them work more hours .
5 Well some of the questions you think erm you think erm you know , are n't they a bit well way out or what made them ask that .
6 they 've made it so as it , it do , you see I , I , I reckon you ought to open my let me make them in te in steel because er they made them like that so that when you pull them off or adjust them
7 But Graham and Russell , if anything more composed , made them defend that advantage , and the Chelsea defence responded with a disorder to which only Ken Monkou was an exception .
8 Often he made them criticize each other 's work .
9 Gravity attracts objects towards each other ; antigravity would make them repel each other .
10 Erm the people who have problems erm I would think , because of of feeling probably the way , they feel about living in the flats or about having to live in that way , does n't make them feel any batter about erm you know any any other particular difficulties that they 're having .
11 In former ages we us 'd to give , So that our work-folk like farmers did live ; But the times are altered , we will make them know All we can for to bring them under our bow ; We will make them work hard for sixpence a day , Though a shilling they deserve if they had their just pay .
12 I really can not find fault with this book except to say that even splendid photography can not make me love all of Piffetti 's furniture .
13 No review , no trophy , no accolade in the world will ever make me feel that good again .
14 This was just as well , because I must have looked pea green , and it did n't make me feel any better to watch Olive sitting up front chatting to the pilot and navigator , obviously having the time of her life .
15 That did n't make me feel any happier .
16 My strap-watch said it was ten minutes off seven and that did n't make me feel any better .
17 Daddy 's gon na make me eat some tomato and , and cucumber
18 There are times these days when I feel so starved of warmth that the instructions on a painkiller packet or vitamin tub ( " At the first sign of a cold developing be sure to … " ) can make me go all husky and brave .
19 Why did you make me do that ?
20 No Peter does n't make me laugh either .
21 Do n't make me say that !
22 ‘ The pleasure of being top , and nothing else , except the interest of my father , made me do such homework as I did in the evenings … .
23 Oh , I do n't know what made me do that , rotten thing to do , that was .
24 ‘ I ca n't believe you made me do that ! ’
25 Doing all that TV stuff made me realise that , no , what I 'm interested in is pure movement .
26 Pride made me disguise this .
27 His shaking hands with me made me feel half hero , half saint .
28 I was wondering how on earth I should endure these hunting days , especially when they all came back and crowed over me about the jolly time they 'd had , and then I thought , by jove , there 's Alexandra Abbott and she does n't hunt and she made me laugh more than anyone has for years .
29 The Gay Black Group also made me think much more of the implications of being a man , of being an oppressor as well as someone who is oppressed .
30 Every time they came forward , you expected something to happen ( perhaps It was sitting in the north bank with the Cockney scum that made me think this ! ! ) .
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