Example sentences of "make [art] more [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Geneva was also the location for the START ( Strategic Arms Reduction ) talks , which began in June 1982 but made no more progress .
2 A National Film Studio , combining the small companies into one strong conglomerate , had been proposed , but this idea made no more headway than a proposal to negotiate a reciprocity deal with the Americans , whereby they would take a certain number of British films into national distribution in return for free access to British screens .
3 My denials made no more headway than
4 made no more impact than a sparrow 's beak .
5 Godolphin knew Peccable well enough to be certain that until he 'd exhausted his supply of idols , relics and jujus from the fifth , and could make no more profit , he 'd stay put .
6 The unexpected development seemed to make no more sense than the feather and the note ; or , for that matter , the glass ball .
7 Clive James should have stayed with book-reviewing : his destruction of ‘ Princess Daisy ’ must be the funniest thing he ever wrote , even though he admits that ‘ to pour abuse on a book like this makes no more sense than to kick a powder-puff ’ .
8 ‘ To argue that workers displaced by machines should necessarily be able to find work building those machines makes no more sense than to expect the horses displaced by mechanical vehicles to have been employed , directly or indirectly , in various branches of the expanding automotive industry , ’ says Leontief ( 1978 ) .
9 It makes no more sense to talk about solutions without being absolutely clear about what problems they solve , than it does to talk about excellent answers to questions that have never been posed .
10 It makes no more sense to say that the perspectival appearance is true ( or false ) of the object than it would be to say that the size of the angle of a triangle is true ( or false ) of the other two angles , which determine its size .
11 Freud 's Lamarckian scenario makes no more sense than any other , than any other kind of Lamarckian scenario does .
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