Example sentences of "make [prep] [art] good " in BNC.

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1 Hand-beating an aluminium panel does not necessarily make for a better car , confers no empirically measurable added value : nonetheless , it is the hand-wroughtness of Aston Martins that make otherwise sensible men write out cheques for £120,000 .
2 Either because he had the hump or because he thought it would make for a good show he started smashing the footlights one by one .
3 Needless to say , this attitude did not make for a good marriage .
4 He was starting to appear distinctly shopworn , Lucy noted ; he seemed to have bought himself a new shirt , but a dip-through in a hotel washbasin did n't exactly make for the best possible finish .
5 I can make as a good a vassal out of some faithful man as can any of my counts , and maybe even a better one " .
6 Whatever the colour scheme , whatever the style , these pretty white duvet covers and pillowcases from Lace Lady will fit in like a dream — and make for a good night 's sleep .
7 Journalists blame this on the fact that Mr Heseltine , David Mellor and the other ‘ dogs of war ’ who make for the best viewing concentrated on attacking Labour .
8 Occupational background can emblazon the personality with unmistakable illumination for the endeavours we make towards a better and more acceptable society .
9 I understand that the move has been made for the best scientific reasons .
10 This is to inform you all that me and my Companions have Unanamously agreed and likewise made Oath to Each other that if There is not a speedy Altaration made for the Good of the poore that you have corn thinking to make your fortunes of shall have it burnt to the Ground whether it Be in Stacks or Barns for the fire that took place Last Week was but the begining of your Troble , we know every Stack of Corn about this Country , and Every Barn that hath Corn concealed in it for the Purpos of starving the Poore But we are Determind if thare is to Be Starvation it shall be a General thing not a parcial one for both Gentle and Simple shall Starve if any Do .
11 Each request for assessment will be ‘ screened ’ by an experienced member of staff and a decision made about the best type of assessment to be offered , by whom and when .
12 Polymer dimensions can be calculated in this way if an assumption is made about the best model .
13 Sarah Hare , the youngest daughter of Sir Thomas and Lady Elizabeth Hare of Stow Bardolph , Norfolk , was very specific regarding the simplicity of her grave-clothes and coffin , making her wishes abundantly clear in her will of 1743 : ‘ … my coffin to be made of the best Elm lin 'd with a thinn lead with a flap of lead sawder 'd down over me , not to have a nail or any ornament that is not absolutely necessary , except a plate with my coat of arms and with this inscription : They that humble themselves shall be Exalted . ’
14 The rationale was simple : if arsenic could be made into a better drug by incorporating it into an organic compound , why not mercury ?
15 Whereas the diagnosis of early infectious syphilis can be made with a good degree of accuracy by identifying the treponeme with darkground examination of serum from a chancre or from the skin lesions of secondary infection , in latent or late syphilis , be it acquired or congenital , the diagnosis depends on the finding of antibodies to the infection in the blood .
16 It is not the first time that , for whatever reason , such a ‘ mistake ’ , if you can call it that , has been made with the best will in the world .
17 It 's an amazingly heady concoction made from a good old bottle of Gordon 's , or whatever your favourite make happens to be , sloshed all over the fruits of the sloe ( blackthorn ) bush .
18 From the plethora of material available Christine has assembled displays made from the best material at the best price .
19 When talking about grief a frequent comment is , ‘ We never used to have this sort of fuss made in the good old days : we just had to get on with it ! ’
20 This indicates that the Revenue will be prepared to accept returns containing estimated figures provided they are identified , drawn to the inspector 's attention and made to the best of the company 's ( adviser 's ? ) ability .
21 As I said earlier this year , there will not be enough of any one crop to give self-sufficiency , but the contribution this small plot has made to the good budget has ten times repaid the outlay on seeds and materials .
22 This was a chance not only to see some sport , but to make some extra money , and many a good profit made on a good deal on the Friday was lost on a poor horse on the Saturday .
23 The Kilbrandon Committee recommended that individual decisions should be made regarding the best measures for dealing with each child , and that these should be made separately from decisions about guilt or innocence .
24 This method avoids the full demands upon parliamentary time that is made by the better known procedure for considering general , or public , legislation .
25 I mean he saw he sh great pace was shown then it was a nothingy ball that he made into a good situation .
26 In spite of his clothes — what difference did clothes ever make in a good strong man — he looked a finely made fellow , and we became secretly his admirers .
27 His account of Romeo and Juliet , after a slightly rough start , has similarly red- blooded qualities , making for a good , generous coupling .
28 Good bonding with reliable adhesives also makes for a good leak-free join .
29 At weekends it makes for a good day 's outing to take the family for a picnic , after which they can gather as many strawberries as they want at the various fruit farms dotted around .
30 The underlying assumption ( or , more accurately , hypothesis ) of this paper is that client participation makes for a better social work intervention , and thus the higher the degree of client participation the more effective the intervention will be ( Kurzman and Solomon , 1970 ; Freedberg , 1989 ; York , 1989 ) .
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