Example sentences of "make [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The sport 's governing body is also considering suing the American athlete for libel over accusations he made during a campaign to clear his name after he tested positive for steroids in Monte Carlo in August 1990 and was subsequently banned for two years .
2 I feel I must reply to some of the points Mr , Findlay made during the course of the conversation ( I was told that these were not just his views , ie. he had discussed the matter with you ) .
3 Defeated election candidate Paul Rayner has honoured a pledge he made during the campaign to members of Middlesbrough 's Muslim community by writing to the new Home Secretary with details of long delays experienced by would-be immigrants .
4 UNION leaders called for High Street banks to be taxed on the £500 million profit they made during the sterling crisis .
5 Mr Bergg wrote to Mr Fallon asking him to qualify the remarks he made during the debate .
6 He reckoned that he would by then have far outflanked any cordon thrown up by his enemies , and could safely make for a phone .
7 Gourmet shops and galleries , furniture and fashion , antiques and 1066 collectables , books on the Battle of Hastings and , of course , the Sussex trug , will make for a shopping experience surrounded in history .
8 It was a syndrome I had observed in other service marriages , not least in that of my own parents , and I have sometimes thought what a good subject it might make for a novel or play .
9 All of which would make for a rave review , were it not for the fact that , for all their charm , the Jays ' every move oozes lamentable irrelevance .
10 Admittedly legal training may be a bit wider , and may include elements of economics and political science , erm than the kind of training that we have in Britain , but it is nonetheless a law-dominated training , and this does make for a difference erm in approach , I think .
11 The three piece leather does make for a lot of stitching at the sides and this suffered quite badly after a few days on rough moraine .
12 They say imaginative management and co-operation with tenants will make for a model estate .
13 In Britain , though , ever since his selection the media had become very excited about Allan Wells , almost willing him to win , to have the come-back that would make for a fairy-tale ending .
14 We should be all right for a few moments as it is deeper water ; we can then make for the beach , hopefully avoiding the big dumping surf . ’
15 Perhaps even more destructively , the Philharmonic Hall acoustic does not make for the clarity of diction experienced in the average theatre .
16 Having turned the car , she wondered if she should make for the cottage to talk out with her mother what her next move should be , but thinking that would leave her grandmother alone too long , she decided to make for home again .
17 She 'd make for the kitchen , she thought , and let herself out through the back door .
18 And I got up and I was gon na tie her up like but and by gosh I thought I 'd better make for the door again .
19 I am pleased to tell my hon. Friend that the latest estimate we can make for the spend on computerisation this year will not be £20 million but £25 million .
20 Only at the last minute , by forced marches , would it suddenly make for the Channel coast .
21 But I did make for the baize door a little more quickly than on my way in , and in the semi-darkness stumbled over one of the wellingtons , kicking it half-way across the floor .
22 What a coil do I make for the loss of my punk
23 If we can only slip inside Germany we can make for the autobahn and then for the Black Forest area . ’
24 I lay in the bath daydreaming of putters that never missed and that were made of priceless and perfect metals unknown to man , of millions of pounds won on the fairways of the world , and of even more millions made off the course .
25 THERE are several assumptions we reasonably CAN make about the future .
26 It is as if speakers feel obliged to offer some personal warrant for the statements they will make about the world .
27 Are there assumptions I can safely make about the language they understand , their level of awareness , the social and political groups they identify with ?
28 When official conservation often does not work , part of the problem may lie in the assumptions which the conservationist , government servant or politician may make about the cause of failure .
29 His head makes little involuntary movements , the first beginnings of the small pleasurable movements which his whole body will make as a kind of modest disclaimer in the face of Harry 's approval .
30 I would be grateful if you would sign the attached copy of this letter and return it to me , with the payment and contract and any other additions you would normally make as an indication that you agree to these conditions .
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