Example sentences of "make [prep] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ golden age ’ of the English funeral , as far as undertaking techniques were concerned , was the period from 1725 to 1775 and most of the finest extant coffins in public and private vaults were made during that time .
2 Yeah , they should n't , they should n't cos his music was made for that time .
3 Lloyd 's deputy chairman Richard Hazell 's £155 million Syndicate 190 , hit by pollution claims , is contemplating going into ‘ run off ’ , though ‘ no decision may be made for some time ’ , says underwriter John Weatherall .
4 Lloyd 's deputy chairman Richard Hazell 's £155 million Syndicate 190 , hit by pollution claims , is contemplating going into ‘ run off ’ , though ‘ no decision may be made for some time ’ , says underwriter John Weatherall .
5 Efforts have been made for some time to get this off the ground and a successful public meeting was held at Newtown at the end of April .
6 If a relative wants to collect the ashes they can be collected or sent , but they will only be kept free for a time ( usually about a month ) — a charge will be made after that time .
7 Briefly , the new Crown Indemnity legislation states that the NHS will now cover all claims of negligence , and the like , made against full time hospital doctors in respect of their daily work .
8 Early inquiry should obviously be made where an application , eg under s 29(3) of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 , is required to be made within strict time limits .
9 In general this is certainly true , as the experienced eye can tell at a glance whether the style of an ancient Greek coin is that of the archaic or of the later , classical period ; in a similar way one can argue from the change in the type of helmet worn by the goddess Athena on Athenian vases in the period 540–510 BC that Athenian coins depicting the same goddess with the same helmet are unlikely to have been made before that time .
10 To French builders , admitted a British historian of the early nineteenth century , ‘ is primarily owing the energetical improvement made in modern times in the form , dimensions , and general contour of vessels ’ .
11 The V8 contains every engineering innovation Audi has made in that time : four-wheel drive , Procon-Ten , galvanised bodywork , flush glass , multi-valve combustion and an exhaust catalyst .
12 Right it seems to me a lot of people are sitting down , there 's five weeks to go , you 've got to get it made in that time , assembled , so come on let's get some more cutting lists please .
13 A sensible decision , made in good time .
14 To allow staff appointments to be made in good time for work to be undertaken for Council Tax it is necessary to go to the Finance Committee on 16 September 1992 with a staff structure , some of which is still subject to review , for example the Control Sections .
15 The procedure is designed to give a " right of reply " instead of an action for damages in cases where the media have behaved responsibly : the plaintiff can not succeed if the defendant proves that an " offer of amends " was made in good time , and is still open at the time of the trial .
16 The Roman copies can not have been made from this , since it was not then available ; so it gives the only incontrovertible evidence for an exact replica being made in classical times .
17 What major differences are there in the choices made at various times for starting steel works at Sheffield , Rotherham and Scunthorpe ?
18 People have told me the lemon was to mask the taste of the uneven products made at that time by unscientific country brewers ; I do not believe that .
19 But nobody could get the movie made at that time , and the question now was whether Val was n't too old for the part .
20 His supporters were also quick to remind others of her opposition to the principle of referenda in 1975 , circulating copies of speeches she had made at that time .
21 I would have concluded Herr Bremann was suffering from some serious illness , but for certain remarks his lordship made at that time assuring me this was not so .
22 In spite of what Mr Kawawa said about the inevitability of capitalists ' misusing their press in a country like Tanzania , no plans were made at that time to take over the Standard .
23 The efforts made at that time by Sartre , Camus , Merleau-Ponty et alia to rehabilitate Nizan achieved no more than to illustrate the impossibility of reasoned dialogue with the French communist party at moments of extreme ideological polarisation .
24 That judgment will have to be made at that time .
25 If the beneficiary dies after the passing of the Finance Act , 1975 , then of course for CTT purposes any determination or disposal of interest which has taken place since 25/3/74 has constituted a transfer of value and in addition if he is entitled at his death to a beneficial interest in possession in any property remaining in settlement that property falls to be included in the aggregate of the estate immediately before his death , a transfer of value of which he is treated as having made at that time .
26 She still keeps in touch with friends made at that time and sends a copy of the Glenpatrick News to the retired Chief Industrial Engineer , Mr Wyffles .
27 that distinction must be made at all times between persons taking part in the hostilities and members of the civilian population to the effect that the latter be spared as much as possible ;
28 As a result of acquiring writing ‘ one can compare side by side utterances that have been made at different times and places ’ ( 1977 , pp. 11 — 12 ) .
29 ( b ) The selection of an appropriate method for calculating the related cost , where a number of identical items have been purchased or made at different times ( such as unit costs , average cost or FIFO — first in first out : see below ) .
30 Similar accusations were made at different times against all the churches .
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